Woke up to a flood, aquaclear culprit

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 23, 2011
Deltona, Florida
I was just sitting here posting away when I put my feet down on the floor and they were soaking wet. As was everything for a five foot radius. I narrowed it down to my new rimless tank which is running an aquaclear hang on back.

It seems that being rimless allowed the filter to shift backwards thereby casuign it to drip water out the back. The important part here is that I lost the little plastic thingee that you attach to the filter to keep it level. :-(

Where does one find a replacement for that part? I havent seen it online or do I need a new filter? Or should I contact hagen, are they known to have that doo hickey?

Just spent 20 minutes wiping up the mess, luckily it was inches from my power supplies on the right two tanks and the power supplies for the left two are in the cabinet so it didnt reach over the inch or so thankfully. My MH box was wet though on the bottom. This could have been a total nightmare.

Any help on this one guys? I didn't wanna stuff anything between the filter and the glass as it will look horrible, but for the short term I;m ok with it.
I've heard of people using random objects. I'm a wine drinking so I personally use the cork but I've heard of people using leggos and such. If you really need one I can send u one of the 5 I have thru regular mail if it's a no rush thing. They fall of so easily I gave up on them long ago.
I just emailed hagen and they say they will get back to me within 3 days. So for now I;m gonna jam something in there to keep it level.

i appreciate the offer, that was really sweet. :) If hagen falls through I may take you up on it. :-D

Thanks again!
Aqua Clear Leveler

Good morning carey...

I use nothing but Aqua Clear HOBs and have several of the levelers around my place. PM me with your work address if you want and I'll stick one in the mail to you.

Woudl you believe hagen already contacted me back and is sending out the part? What great customer service! I have never had to contact them before about anything and am quite pleased with their quick response.

way to go Hagen! Guess i will continue to tout their filters. lol

Thanks all you guys for the offers too, I really appreciate it. makes me love this forum!
in the mean time you could stick a suction cup or something behind it
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