My tanks

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 18, 2008
Well I posted in general discussions, about my new 130ltr tank with complete foam background and bottom built in with air stones and bubble outlets asking for a little advice.
now i have it running and seeded, and was given a few fish today so i put them straight into my new tank... I recived... 3 Giant Danios and a Texas Cichlid... heres a few pics of the 2 tanks I have and a pic of the texas cichlid.




I will be building a hood for the large tank over the next few days, and a door will be going on the cuboard aswell... I will be staggering the fish being transfered over the next few days aswell.
All the fish i have so far are:
3x Giant Danios (in the large tank)
1x Texas Cichlid (in the large tank)
2x Blood Parrot Fish (in the smaller tank)
1x Rainbow Shark (in the smaller tank)
1x Albino Rainbow Shark (in the smaller tank)
1x Zebra Danio (in the smaller tank)
1x Golden Algea Eater (in the smaller tank)
1x Golden Panchax (in the smaller tank)

Once I have all the fish transfered Im going to do some mini aquascaping in the small tank and stock it with mainly easy breeders for live food for the cichlids.

anyway... I hope you all like.....
the filter is a fluval 205. got it from my very friendly LFS, one of my mates used to work there so im pretty friendly with all the staff so got a deal on the filter with all the filter media extra/different filter media(i had a phosphate problem in my smaller tank so needed something to sort that) and also needed some fry food and bits for my mums little tank. but in answer to your question the filter cost £67.95 and that was everything i needed to set it up included in the box. the best feature i have to say is the aqua stop valve, you just shut the valve off and it keeps the vacum in the pipes so you can just remove tha canister for cleaning/maintance, then once its done just plug the valve unit back in and open the valves, no manual syhoning, pumping or anything like that needed. (not sure how many filters have this feature as im pretty new to externals) oh and i know i can get them a bit cheaper on ebay etc, but i wanted one there and then and thought 'well its not a stupidly high price or anything and probally, and i know i can trust these people that if i have any problems they will sort it out for me'.
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