What type of crabs are fresh water?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 18, 2012
Can any types of crabs go with guppies I've been wanting some sort of crabs for since I got my ten gallon any suggestions? >-(•-•)-<
Look into micro crabs Limnopilos naiyanetri. I have heard some good things about them, but not personal experience.
Alkane said:
Look into micro crabs Limnopilos naiyanetri. I have heard some good things about them, but not personal experience.

Yes I agree only freshwater crab I think too! Haven't had any experience with them since they don't sell them by me.
Correct. Siva has owned them. They have a host of common names, hovering mainly around Thai micro crabs. They get to about a half inch long, and feast on the tiny stuff in your plants -- not the plants themselves. They are the only true freshwater aquarium crab, but you never know what's lurking in those Asian rivers! ;)
If you want them with guppies, I'd make sure to have something to climb on and some kind of floating plants. They like the stuff that filters through the plant roots, and the plants will keep guppy fry safe!
MABJ said:
If you want them with guppies, I'd make sure to have something to climb on and some kind of floating plants. They like the stuff that filters through the plant roots, and the plants will keep guppy fry safe!

I have 12 lettuce heads in right now:)
MABJ said:
Correct. Siva has owned them. They have a host of common names, hovering mainly around Thai micro crabs. They get to about a half inch long, and feast on the tiny stuff in your plants -- not the plants themselves. They are the only true freshwater aquarium crab, but you never know what's lurking in those Asian rivers! ;)

And lol about the Asian rivers:p
Where are you trying to find the micro crabs by the way?

I'm looking around and I see an average price of $4-5 per, and 4-10 for shipping... A little pricy..
MABJ said:
Where are you trying to find the micro crabs by the way?

I'm looking around and I see an average price of $4-5 per, and 4-10 for shipping... A little pricy..

My local pet store will order any fish animal that you want he's pretty cool
Not too far from me, however there's a big border in the way :p. lucky for you. You should let us know when you get them.

What is the temp in your tank? From what I hear, they like temps around the 80s, lower PH water, and will live about 12-15 months
MABJ said:
Not too far from me, however there's a big border in the way :p. lucky for you. You should let us know when you get them.

What is the temp in your tank? From what I hear, they like temps around the 80s, lower PH water, and will live about 12-15 months

I have a ph of 7.8-8.5 and my temperature is around 75 deg.
MABJ said:
Not too far from me, however there's a big border in the way :p. lucky for you. You should let us know when you get them.

What is the temp in your tank? From what I hear, they like temps around the 80s, lower PH water, and will live about 12-15 months

Where you from?
Best of luck! I'll be interested to know when you get them how they are!
Woot! Awesome :D Any commerce in Buffalo is good commerce.
MABJ said:
Woot! Awesome :D Any commerce in Buffalo is good commerce.

Instead I'm going to get maybe Asian crabs or fiddler crabs
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