Treating Ich Questions

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 21, 2011
Omaha, Nebraska
I have Ich in my main Planted Tank. It is hevaly planted with some sensitive plants.
My fish are

9x Cardinal Tetras
5x German Blue Rams
5x Pearl Gouramies
2x pelvicachromis rubrolabiatus (rare type of krib)

My temp is as 87-88

Heres my question should I use API Super Ick Cure or should I just keep my temp up for 2 weeks? If Using the Med will it effect my filter at all (Fluval 405)
What are the ingredients listed on the bottle because im not familiar with the product? I would honestly try to opt for a natural approach (heat) and wait atleast 2 weeks before making a decision to treat chemically. The heat should be sufficient if the infestation isnt too severe.
CleverBs said:
I have Ich in my main Planted Tank. It is hevaly planted with some sensitive plants.
My fish are

9x Cardinal Tetras
5x German Blue Rams
5x Pearl Gouramies
2x pelvicachromis rubrolabiatus (rare type of krib)

My temp is as 87-88

Heres my question should I use API Super Ick Cure or should I just keep my temp up for 2 weeks? If Using the Med will it effect my filter at all (Fluval 405)

I think your best bet would be heat. Give this a read. I found it very helpful.
Cant salt my tank so I can basicly only treat with heat...900watts of heaters and my tank is at 87degress
Try the heat! If this product contains malachite green/formalin, i would not use it because it may not only affect your biological filter but it may also be detrimental to your plants. If in 2 weeks the heat doesnt work, try asking in the planted forum for suggestions on what to use that wouldnt affect your plants or your bacteria. Good luck!!!
I think Im going to remove my cichlids and put them in a Hospital tank and treat them with API Quick Cure
CleverBs said:
I think Im going to remove my cichlids and put them in a Hospital tank and treat them with API Quick Cure

Just remember you have to treat your DT too because the whole tank is infected not just the fish with visible spots.
Just remember you have to treat your DT too because the whole tank is infected not just the fish with visible spots.

I know I am treating the DT with heat but I cant use medication or salt in that tank but I can treat the 2 for Ich very easily in their 40 Breeder I have had cycling for them, Its not 100% cycled but im going to do a water change and get the tanks temp up. My only worry is that the ph/kh/gh of the tank will be much different

My Ph in the tank they are in now is 6.4 with slightly soft water, Been putting 30 gallons a week of RO/DI water in it for 2 weeks now so its slightly soft. the tank they are going into has HARD water, with a ph of ~8.2 Will they be ok if I drip acclimate them?
CleverBs said:
I know I am treating the DT with heat but I cant use medication or salt in that tank but I can treat the 2 for Ich very easily in their 40 Breeder I have had cycling for them, Its not 100% cycled but im going to do a water change and get the tanks temp up. My only worry is that the ph/kh/gh of the tank will be much different

My Ph in the tank they are in now is 6.4 with slightly soft water, Been putting 30 gallons a week of RO/DI water in it for 2 weeks now so its slightly soft. the tank they are going into has HARD water, with a ph of ~8.2 Will they be ok if I drip acclimate them?

Sorry just making sure you knew. They might stress too much if you move them to a new environment with different water parameters. Is there a reason you want to move them to a different tank? Are they severely affected?
Are the plants the only reason you don't want to use salt? You could use half or even a third dose. I remember reading somewhere that the salt may burn the plants but the chances of it killing them is slim. Don't quote me on it though.
I am using API, just started today in my FW planted tank. I did not see the ingredients on the bottle, but it states it has a slime coat protection added to it, probably to help the scales heal after infestation. Also, my lfs recommended it over all others, if heat and salt cannot be used.
Used API yesterday, did w/c first, now all of my puffers have it. Very frustrating. My parameters were steady, no big jumps.
I know I am treating the DT with heat but I cant use medication or salt in that tank but I can treat the 2 for Ich very easily in their 40 Breeder I have had cycling for them, Its not 100% cycled but im going to do a water change and get the tanks temp up. My only worry is that the ph/kh/gh of the tank will be much different

My Ph in the tank they are in now is 6.4 with slightly soft water, Been putting 30 gallons a week of RO/DI water in it for 2 weeks now so its slightly soft. the tank they are going into has HARD water, with a ph of ~8.2 Will they be ok if I drip acclimate them?
I was wondering how it's going for you. I have completed the first round of API. I am on day 6, with the 25% sc and addition of activated carbon. Both of my dps still have ich, but are not getting any worse. I had to call my lfs, because the instructions on the API does not say what to do if there is still ich...
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