How many fish do you have

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I have seven platies, 2 guppies, 2 pletcos, two gouramias, 2 mollies, and one tetra
5 hatchetfish
10 glowlight tetras
1 angel fish
1 feather fin catfish
1 pecock eel
1 fancy male guppy (oh gosh, long story...sister saw it at the lfs, loved it, made me keep it in my 40 g planted until her 2.5 g is done cycling...dont think less of me! Lol)
Currently, or how many I have had all together? Either way, currently it is (but of course will change if anyone knows me :))

X10 rasboras
X6 bronze cories
X2 female bettas
X1 gold honey gourami
The gourami is getting the boot and moving out.
Fish, Fish, Fish, Fish, Fishy, Fish, Fish... they all have the same name.

Ok.. rainbows (10 kinds), tetras (5 kinds), bristlenose plecos, otos, corys, brochis splendens, apistogramma cacatuiodes, angelfish, SAE's... and possibly some I forgot.
2 male guppies
1 female guppy
3 ramshorn snails
4 red cherry shrimp
1 male betta
1 pleco
6 convicts
2 red jewel cichlids
1 pindani cichlid
3 bronze cories
4 skunk cories
1 male veiltail betta
4 zebra danios
2 whitecloud minnows
2 red wag platies

those are my fishies!
1 angel fish
6 sterbai cories
6 cardinals
5 black phantom tetras
3 bn plecos
5 harlequin rasboras
And last time I counted 8 red cherry shrimp lol
Will be adding 1 more of the black phantoms and rasboras to round their schools up :)
1 Blue Titanium Flowerhorn. (F)
1 Red Veil-Tale Betta. (M)
1 Sunshine Plakat. (M)
1 Pearl Fighter. (M)
1 Double-tail Half-moon Plakat. (M)
1 Half-moon King Betta. (M)
5 Turquoise Rainbowfish.
2 Australian Rainbowfish.
4 Purple Passion Danios.
2 Siamese Algae Eaters.
2 Skunk Loaches.

...and lots and lots of snails.
3 blood parrots
7 emperor tetras
1 african featherfin catfish

who knows how many red cherry shrimp
who knows how many assassin snails
3 peppered corys
2 pygmy corys
2 otos

1 flame gourami
1 black moscow guppy (last survivor from school)
11 rummynose tetras
12 kuhli loaches
6 mystery snails
3 amano shrimp
7 white cloud mountain minnows
2 bristlenose plecos
2 ghost shrimp

Why do I think I'm missing something..... :ermm:
- 3 panda cories
- crowntail betta
- golden gourami (male)
- juvenile red tail shark
- 4 male guppies
- 5 peppered cories
- 2 bristlenose pleco
- 1 albino bristlenose pleco
- 4 mystery snails (3 gold, 1 brown)
- 11 rummynose tetras
- 8 black skirt tetras
- 2 siamese algae eaters
- male crowntail betta
- female betta
- male dwarf gourami
- 8 neon tetras
- 1 mystery snail
- 1inch bristlenose
- orange vailtail betta male
- yellow vailtail betta male
- 3 adopted fancy goldfish
1south American red tail cat, 1 Asin red tail cat, 1 Lima shovel nose cat , a red devil , a green terror , a pike ciclid , a fire an a yellow zig zag eel and a wip tail catfish
x4 angels
x5 harlequin rasboras
x30 neons
x6 black neons
x5 albino bristlenose plecos
x10 SAEs
x16 albino corys
x4 glow-light tetras
x6 zebra botias
x20 mbunas
x2 JDs
x24 giant danios
x7 clown loaches
x3 synodontis eupterus
x1 synodontis ocellifer
x2 pictus cats
x20 gold pristella tetras
x15 von rio tetras
x1 betta
x7 firemouths
x7 gold dojo loaches
x4 florida flag fish
x4 golden top minnows
x4 rainbow darters
x5 khuli loaches
x6 marble hatchets
x12 white clouds
x2 dragon gobys
x8 bumblebee gobys
x8 mollies
x3 unpainted indian glass fish
x4 sparkling gourami
x9 ember tetras
x5 pygmy rasbora

and about 100 shrimp
I have:
1 Blue Hippo Tang
2 Clownfish
4 Cardinals
4 Neons
1 DG (Powder Blue)
2 PJ Cardinalfish.
x4 angels
x5 harlequin rasboras
x30 neons
x6 black neons
x5 albino bristlenose plecos
x10 SAEs
x16 albino corys
x4 glow-light tetras
x6 zebra botias
x20 mbunas
x2 JDs
x24 giant danios
x7 clown loaches
x3 synodontis eupterus
x1 synodontis ocellifer
x2 pictus cats
x20 gold pristella tetras
x15 von rio tetras
x1 betta
x7 firemouths
x7 gold dojo loaches
x4 florida flag fish
x4 golden top minnows
x4 rainbow darters
x5 khuli loaches
x6 marble hatchets
x12 white clouds
x2 dragon gobys
x8 bumblebee gobys
x8 mollies
x3 unpainted indian glass fish
x4 sparkling gourami
x9 ember tetras
x5 pygmy rasbora

and about 100 shrimp

If my calculations are right (which I am sure they probably aren't, :lol:) you have 269 fish. (I read off all of the numbers to my phone and it added them for me (thanks Siri, lol)

How long does it take to feed those guys? Thanks.
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X2 common plecos
X2 blood parrots
X43 red wag fry
X3 red way platy
X1 sunset platy
X2 electric yellow labs cichlid
X2 zebra danios
X1 pond snail
X2 black mystery snails
All in different tanks!
I don't have names for all of them, but the ones I can name are:
Legion, Damien, Delilah
Slinky, Slimey, Silky, Squiggles, Squishy
Gemma, Emmy, Baxter, Dexter, Clyde, Sylvester, Jewel
Bill, Gob
Dimple, Darla, Ling Ling, Wolf
Itchy, Scratchy, Manfield, Daphnia
Akatsukie, Quasi
redsea said:
If my calculations are right (which I am sure they probably aren't, :lol:) you have 269 fish. (I read off all of the numbers to my phone and it added them for me (thanks Siri, lol)

How long does it take to feed those guys? Thanks.

Whoa!... How many tanks do you have going? That is amazing.
1 clown - spaz
1 yellow tailed damsel - Blueberry
1 diamond watchman goby - Spitz
1 yellow tang - Sonny Tang-Tang
1 cleaner shrimp - Larry
4 hermit crabs
1 snail

* my 6yr old insisted they all have names. Anyone else name their fish?
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