Imagine having a 600 gallon tank

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I would do a Texas native species tank. Bass, perch, crappie etc.
I was browsing craigslist and saw an ad for a 600 gallon acrylic tank for $3400. (If your in the market for one I can send you the link. This bad boy is 8 feet long, 4 feet deep and nearly 3 feet tall. If you could have this tank how would you set it up. Lets do freshwater only!

Four male Buttikoferis , A dovii , an Umbee and a redtail catfish
In a tank like that, a large school of Altum Angels with a school of each type of wild colored Discus. Can you imagine a school of Tefe Green Heckle Discus swimming together? lol (I saw that on a documentary and made me want them again!) Add to that a school of 1000 cardinal tetras and now you're talking :D
In a tank like that, a large school of Altum Angels with a school of each type of wild colored Discus. Can you imagine a school of Tefe Green Heckle Discus swimming together? lol (I saw that on a documentary and made me want them again!) Add to that a school of 1000 cardinal tetras and now you're talking :D

Now that would be one heck of a tank!
I think i would do some peacock bass and maybe some datnoids. Possibly a freshwater stingray.
Some gold severums, uarus, synspilum, keyhole cichlids, flag cichlids, and rummy nose tetras would look nice. If you want to add an oddball, look for the spoon face whiptail catfish.
Or discus, angels, rainbows, every type of tetra available (not really), guppies, rams,killifish, bamboo shrimp and hundreds of ghost and red cherry shrimp. Completely planted too.

I don't think this would all work together though.
Lol If that's what you'd want after spending 3 grand on a plastic box be my guess. JK but you must really love neons

Hahaha, no I don't particularly like neons, but they are really bright and I saw a green machine tank with like 100, so I was like: :ermm: hmmm... :brows: Hey... :eek: Aha! :D Awesome.
That ^^^ was my thought process in a nutshell.

Thats it? I would doo 7000! Jk 500 neons would be awesome! And a bigger fish that is a vegetarian!

Yeah, like an Oscar! :brows: JK, but some really stunning centerpiece fish would be cool.

Altum angels with lots of small schooling fish. Enough to survive the angels snacking on them.

Btw, I think a tank that size full of neons would look pretty impressive. Just a swarming mass of color.

Yeah, a swarming mass of color was what I was going for.

Imagine feeding this neons lol


Now my turn...
Imagine water changes!!!
Well im getting the chance to stock 3 800g tanks within the next couple of months haha. So i cant wait, this will be one happy kid when that time comes.
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