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    • ADsnail
      ADsnail replied to the thread Help, too many guppies.
      I agree, and it may not have been clear enough from my reportage that the disappearing fish and observation that the goldfish was the...
    • ADsnail
      ADsnail replied to the thread Help, too many guppies.
      The guppies are gone, and right now she has a variety of small fish in there. It's possible she got them to see if that's going to be...
    • ADsnail
      ADsnail replied to the thread Help, too many guppies.
      A friend decided to combine her children's small tanks into one 75g. Axolotls, a goldfish, guppies, and varieties of small fish all went...
    • ADsnail
      ADsnail replied to the thread Plant Identification?.
      They're dried, like what you see for dried flower arrangements. Used for dry tanks like vivariums (frogs, etc.) and for aquariums like...
    • ADsnail
      ADsnail replied to the thread Plant Identification?.
      Thank you! I've had good experiences with Etsy sellers too. There's a guy I buy lotus pods from for my shrimp, his name is Paulie and...
    • ADsnail
      ADsnail replied to the thread Plant Identification?.
      Yes, please!
    • ADsnail
      ADsnail replied to the thread Plant Identification?.
      Right, it's so pretty I'm now thinking of getting some also...thank you too :)
    • ADsnail
      ADsnail replied to the thread What moss is this?.
      It looks like Stringy Moss, Leptodictyum riparium. It's similar to good old Java moss, but is grows faster and denser. It's an easy...
    • ADsnail
      ADsnail replied to the thread Plant Identification?.
      It's called Floating Bamboo, Hygroryza aristata. It's the only grass species that thrives in aquariums. The roots are good shelter for...
    • ADsnail
      ADsnail replied to the thread Power Outage.
      Keep an eye on temperature too. One tip-off is the temp in the room: if it's too hot (or cold) for you, the tank is likely going there...
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