Recent content by AnimalXXman

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  1. AnimalXXman

    starting a new aquarium

    thanks everyone... im going to get my substrate this weekend. what do you suggest i get, or does it depend on the plants i choose? i will also start posting pics soon i hope.
  2. AnimalXXman

    starting a new aquarium

    well i was planning on replacing the light to something a little stronger and clearer that what the stock has.
  3. AnimalXXman

    starting a new aquarium

    im thinking cherry shrimp, but not 100% sure.
  4. AnimalXXman

    starting a new aquarium

    hey everyone, i have a 5 gal hex tank with the bio wheel filtration system. i am wanting to do a freshwater planted tank with shrimp, but i have no clue what supplies, or what to even do. i have never done a planted or shrimp tank. any advice would be gratefully helpful. AXXM
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