Recent content by BettaPenny

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. B

    Table for 10 gallon tank

    Sorry Stroll... I should have prefaced my advice by saying "In my opinion". I have to remember that. I can see by your pic the wood is 3/4" thick and all you need. I think your Dad will approve - you did good. :thumb: I'm very attached to my roommates too. Ciao Stroll, BP
  2. B

    Shipping fish

    Here's another
  3. B

    Table for 10 gallon tank

    Hold on! That stand will support the 80 lbs. (+/-) no problem. The metal work looks like it's at least 1/2" wide, it's probably at minimum 1/8" thick, has 90 degree corners on legs & top frame and it probably has 3/4"thick pine under the tank that spans the framework. I do metal work, I'm a...
  4. B

    Mystery snail feeding station ~

    I set up a new tank last year and of course there was no algae in it. I knew it was just a matter of time so I added 3 mystery snails as a clean up crew. I was concerned about providing food for them and got frustrated because everything that was intended for them was getting eaten by the fish...
  5. B


    Nice neighbor! Welcome - you've got a a great looking tank and I think you made good choices for fish. Ciao, BP :thumb:
  6. B

    Green Spotted Puffer info needed

    Mmmm... I've got a brackish tank, but I'm still debating cause I'm not crazy about putting aragonite sand back in the tank. Royal pain to keep clean. That stuff really gunked up my sump. As for compatibility? Every tank's different. Only had 1 long time ago & it got along fine. Thanks for the...
  7. B

    Green Spotted Puffer info needed

    I'm considering a Green Spotted puffer. I had one years ago in a community tank and it was a favorite. It wasn't easy to find one back then and I don't imagine it's any easier now. Any advice or ideas?
  8. B

    Tank mates

    Tank looks great! You're in the right place for advice, as you'll soon find out. I'm new to the forum but not to fish keeping - (I'm "old school) so I'll watch this from the sidelines & learn along with you. Welcome, BP
  9. B

    Newbie Introduction

    HAPPY RETIREMENT BETTY! [emoji847] This has got to be about the best hobby for us retirees ~ I'm new to the forum too. Looking forward to hearing more from you & hope Dorian passes you right by. Ciao, BP
  10. B

    Best spill proof 10 gallon tank

    I think a boot holder's a good idea. Aesthetically though? not so much.
  11. B


    Uh, had 2 dalmation in 10 gal. with 2 red wag platty & 1 lamp eye tetra for over a year. Never saw an act of aggression from any of them & none were territorial. I know a lot of fish get aggressive if kept on the hungry side... Hmmm ��
  12. B

    Fin rot?????

    That's a stunningly beautiful fish. Fin rot? I'm not seeing it. I've had only one case of fin rot and was amazed he came out of it. It lost at least 2/3 or more of all his fins, had absolutely no appetite (that was the first indication something was wrong) and his dorsal fin was locked to one...
  13. B

    Best spill proof 10 gallon tank

    Keep at least a bath towel or beach towel handy when you're working on your tank and don't walk away from a siphoning hose. I learned that the hard way... Don't know that you'd need an alarm or sensor unless you're running a sump pump / overflow system. And leave some room between the top of...
  14. B

    New tank- fish dying. Please help!

    Just a little bit more advice, if you're not completely overwhelmed yet - I may have missed someone else mentioning that a quarantine tank can save you a lot of grief & trouble. Virtually every living thing going into an aquarium, especially plants, should be quarantined before being introduced...
  15. B

    Black background question????

    DOH! Feelin' foolish... I somehow overlooked the fact you're dealing with the "inside" of the tank. I've been frantically looking for a way to delete my post but it looks like I'm busted already :facepalm: Sorry about that, BP
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