Recent content by BridgetW724

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. B

    New to fish tanks and in need of some advice!

    I think that's how I see it too. Once I start over again I will let you all know! I would like to say thank you!! You all have been so patient and helpful! I'm sure once the starting over process begins I will have another thousand questions!! haha! :)
  2. B

    New to fish tanks and in need of some advice!

    Sorry I've been absent! Life has been slightly crazy for us here. I wish I had a better update however I really don't. I am down to 2 fish. :( I've decided to (as sad as this makes me) just keep my tank as is for right now because I know these fish do not have much longer. Then start all over...
  3. B

    New to fish tanks and in need of some advice!

    Aside from ordering the prime and the stability online. I can't seem to locate it anywhere. Do you know if Petco would possibly carry it? I saw it on their website but I can't be certain if they carry it in their store. I really dread the idea of going back in to the pet store because they are...
  4. B

    New to fish tanks and in need of some advice!

    I'm so sorry I've been absent! My in-laws have been in town for the weekend and this is the first time I've been able to reply. My fish are still lively and doing awesome as weird as that may be. Without me being able to do anything with my tank since Friday I figured they would have died since...
  5. B

    New to fish tanks and in need of some advice!

    I currently have 5 Glofish in my 10 gallon tank right now. I am going to be in and out all weekend because my in-laws are in town and I am now so worried about my tank. I guess I didn't research as much as I thought or maybe I am just not understanding the entire cycle thing. I think I may have...
  6. B

    New to fish tanks and in need of some advice!

    Yea they are always at 0. They have never went up at all. I think I may need to read up a little on the ammonia. Will this kill my fish?
  7. B

    New to fish tanks and in need of some advice!

    Here are the readings I just got. Bare with me I wasn't able to get the API master test kit that I wanted to get because the place I went to didn't have them. I am going to get one tomorrow so I am still using the paper test strips. my pH is between 7.8 and 8.4 (hasn't changed) my Alkalinity is...
  8. B

    New to fish tanks and in need of some advice!

    Thank you for the help! I've noticed doing some reading that while cycling my tank that nitrite and nitrate readings will always seem to vary. Mine has been staying at zero. Is this normal? I've been testing it 2 to 3 times a day it has not changed at all. I have been a little concerned about...
  9. B

    New to fish tanks and in need of some advice!

    Just finished my 25% water change and already my tank looks less cloudy! I'm pleased with this. Maybe this is normal? Of course I am a newbie so I don't know. I was wondering though how will I know if the cartridge inside my filter needs replaced?
  10. B

    New to fish tanks and in need of some advice!

    Alright. Thank you again for all of your help! I hope I have researched enough to be able to continue on my own from here! I believe that from reading and researching that I will know the cycle process is finished once my levels are stable.
  11. B

    New to fish tanks and in need of some advice!

    Ok great! Thank you! I am going to do a 25% water change right now and then do another test on the water. I will go this afternoon to get a new test kit. I didn't realize that the strips I bought were not good. The pet store told me that they would work. Again I trusted them not knowing they...
  12. B

    New to fish tanks and in need of some advice!

    You all have been so helpful!! Thank you so much! I seem to be gaining such useful information from this forum! When I replace the water after doing my water change should I use the water conditioner again?
  13. B

    New to fish tanks and in need of some advice!

    I really hope I replied to this right. :ermm: I normally don't do forums. I was not aware that Glofish were so controversial when I bought them! I just really liked their colors! I'm a little confused still about the cycling. I haven't fed my fish since yesterday morning because of the...
  14. B

    New to fish tanks and in need of some advice!

    Hello all!! I am new to fish tanks and in need of some advice! I just decided to start a small 10 gallon aquarium and I need a little advice. I saw some fish at my local pet store and they were called Glofish. I thought they were kinda neat looking so my husband and I decided to buy a blue LED...
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