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      Hey, is anyone familiar with Aquatic Arsenal? I’ve seen online that they sell very nice coral frags but I don’t see any website for...
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      Chaim replied to the thread Sexy shrimp.
      Ok 👍🏻
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      Chaim posted the thread Sexy shrimp in Nano Reefs.
      Hi, I’ve seen mixed opinions whether sexy shrimp are reef safe. Does anyone have any experience?
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      Chaim replied to the thread High Phosphate.
      Ok, thanks. Will definitely start with a water change
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      Chaim posted the thread High Phosphate in Nano Reefs.
      Hi, I have elevated phosphate levels. It’s hard to know the exact amount, I’m using api tester and the lowest detectable amount above...
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      Chaim replied to the thread Coral not fully open.
      The candy cane is looking great today so I guess it just took some time. I just got a colt leather today where would the best place be...
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      Chaim replied to the thread Coral not fully open.
      Thanks 😊
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      Chaim replied to the thread Coral not fully open.
      Ok thanks and what about candy cane coral? Sorry if sounds a bit like a dumb question I’m just not familiar. How can I tell if my candy...
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      Chaim posted the thread Coral not fully open in Nano Reefs.
      I have the fluval 5 gallon tank. I got what I believe is a galaxea coral 3 day ago but it’s still mostly closed up. It’s currently on...
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      Chaim replied to the thread Feeder blocks.
      Next month. That’s an idea
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      Chaim replied to the thread Feeder blocks.
      Ok, thanks
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      Chaim replied to the thread Feeder blocks.
      Going for 8 days. 2 clowns and a blue damsel
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      Chaim replied to the thread Feeder blocks.
      I’m considering both opinions. So was wondering if anyone has experience using feeder blocks and find that they work well for small fish...
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      Chaim posted the thread Feeder blocks in Nano Reefs.
      Hi, does anyone recommend using feeder blocks in a nano reef tank while on vacation? It’s a small tank and it’ll be a little challenging...
    • C
      Chaim replied to the thread Cycling nano reef.
      Thanks for all your help 😊
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