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      chenyi replied to the thread Please help my plants.
      Yeah, definitely makes sense to do one change at a time. But I just want my plants to not be an embarrassment in the meantime. So I...
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      chenyi reacted to Aiken Drum's post in the thread Please help my plants with Like Like.
      The problem with doing a whole heap of changes at once is that you dont know which change had the positive or negative effect. Your...
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      chenyi replied to the thread Please help my plants.
      So I decided to go back to the tap water, but I went nuclear on it. I did 100% water changes daily and I did Flourish and Flourish...
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      chenyi replied to the thread Please help my plants.
      True. On my second water change I added some making soda. But it was doing better even before that.
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      chenyi replied to the thread Please help my plants.
      Well, I sort of had a little success for a while. I bought some RO water and mixed that in 50%. Lo and behold, a lot of the algae...
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