Recent content by Cichlidlovers

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  1. FW Equipment Pics

    FW Equipment Pics

    The Hardware
  2. Labyrinth fish (Bettas/Gouramis)

    Labyrinth fish (Bettas/Gouramis)

  3. Members FW Tanks

    Members FW Tanks

    Full tank pics here
  4. Soft corals and Sponges

    Soft corals and Sponges

  5. Cichlids


  6. C

    Jack Dempsey Breeding Behaviour??

    The parameters have been off lately, Nitrates are off the charts and PH is low. Heater blew and have not been able to get another one yet..So I have been shuffling the heaters from my other tanks around. They have gotten quite aggresive and as warned have killed off a bunch of my AC's. I am in...
  7. C

    Jack Dempsey Breeding Behaviour??

    So no one knows anything about Jacks? Shocking!
  8. C

    Jack Dempsey Breeding Behaviour??

    I have 3 Jacks now, 2 are quite large at around 6 inches each and have seemed to pair off. The 3rd hasn't grown nearly as fast and is only about half the size of the others. Anywho the 2 that have paired up have started to rub up against each other and they have claimed half the tank, they also...
  9. C

    What fish have you bred ?

    i have bred yellow labs, guppies and just recently Ngara flamtail peacocks.
  10. C

    female peacock holding! Can I put her with yellow lab juvies

    will the peacock fry be alright with the yellow fry?
  11. C

    Yellow Labs (Breeding)

    what a team!! LOL
  12. C

    Yellow Labs (Breeding)

    Yellow labs start breeding when they are 2 inches or bigger. Males will have more black on it's anal fin and will get bigger than the females. The male will swim in front of the female and shake like crazy, it is really fun to watch. He will keep doing this until she is ready to breed and then...
  13. C

    female peacock holding! Can I put her with yellow lab juvies

    I have a female Aulonocara stuartgranti "Ngara Flametail" that is in my 90 gal and is now holding..she cannot stay there as the rest of my cichlids will eat them..anyways i have a 33 gal with a yellow lab holding and about 15 small juvies and 10 fry just spit out by a different yellow lab. My...
  14. C

    Juvenille Electic Yellows for sale Vancouver Island

    You can see a pic here
  15. C

    electric yellow lab experiences?

    Electric yellows are one of my favorites as well. Take into account that of all my cichlids the yellows labs breed the most. Have a small tank set up if you want these fish as they will breed. I started out with 4 and now have over 20 with more on the way. As stated above they are peaceful and...
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