Recent content by evil Nick

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  1. evil Nick

    Ruby dragonette - feeding observation

    Didn't know dragonette did. Interesting. Thanks
  2. evil Nick

    Ruby dragonette - feeding observation

    i just thought it was interesting because so many people say they have trouble getting them to eat anything but copes. I just decided to give it a shot and he looked confused then ate one and dove into the rest. I always direct feed with tweezers into the corals and to the shrimp when I do...
  3. evil Nick

    Ruby dragonette - feeding observation

    So I have a 6 gallon reef with shrimp, snails, serpent star, and a ruby dragon. There are pods in the tank and I feed him frozen which he also takes fine but today while feeding worms to my freshwater fish I went to the reef. I will occasionally give my shrimp and some coral live worms. Didn't...
  4. evil Nick

    20 gallon long rescape

    Bit late I've had him a while now
  5. evil Nick

    20 gallon long rescape

    My old 20 gallon setup was just getting wrecked. loaded with BB algae, wrong plants overtaking, right plants choking out, blah blah. Decided to pull it all out and redo the entire thing. Ditched the black diamond substrate for white pool sand. Hopefully it doesnt become a gross mess. Ditched...
  6. evil Nick

    Going to rescape

    Im kind of trying to do something similar but sticking more with fish who dont like to hide. I would love to keep my pea puffers but I think theyre starting to decimate my shrimp and cray population, and they LOVE to hide for extended periods. Unless I get a small 6 gallon just for the 2 of...
  7. evil Nick

    Going to rescape

    Re scaping my 20 long soon. Im just sick of how it looks. It seems like the some pants just grew out of control and others are being choked out. I have a bit of a blackbeard algae growing on EVERYTHING Im looking to change my sag carpet to a hairgrass carpet and instead of free range plants Im...
  8. evil Nick

    Wanted: hairgrass wanted

    Going to be rescaping my 20 long planted and looking for a LOT of hair grass. currently its carpeted with dwarf sag but I am looking to redo the entire thing soon. Id like enough to try and make it look full enough until it finishes up itself. Thanks
  9. evil Nick

    lettuce nudi question

    It seemingly move to the front now. Maybe there is some micro algae growing around the rim it just likes that I can't see.
  10. evil Nick

    lettuce nudi question

    Thanks. It's only a 3 gallon so my flow control is actually minimal and mostly DIY. I'll keep a good eye on it for now! I'm sure there is something up there it likes just want to know what. Like I said the only thing I see if brown specks. Unless there is really fine hair algae I can't see.
  11. evil Nick

    lettuce nudi question

    picked up a small lettuce nudi last week from an LFS as I wanted one for a while. I do have different algaes in my nano reef so I figure there is going to be something in there it will like, hair included but Ive noticed the last couple days its actually hanging out at the top of my tanks...
  12. evil Nick

    Aquarium corner braces??

    Just curious if anyone has DIY'd or 3d printed corner braces for modified rimless tanks? I'm looking to turn my 2 20 longs into rimless top only but would feel safer with some kind of corner support. I was looking at these Aquarium Lid Clips Universal Lid Clips for Rimless Aquariums Rimless...
  13. evil Nick

    aquarium background installation

    dont know how you are going to do this in a live tank. could try using waterproof earth magnets. I did that with one I made while back. only other possible option I can think is to drain the tank as humanly low as you can without really messing with the fish. silicone the back really good in...
  14. evil Nick

    1 gallon nano reef

    Couple of easy basic corals, live rock, dwarf coral banded and baby emerald. One snail in there as well and just added the red algae. Looking for a baby serpent star. Loving it.
  15. evil Nick

    styrofoam and cement background

    Strong magnets?
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