Recent content by FeatherFin

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. F

    Diamond tetra with bloat?

    Well, whatever she had seems to have cleared up. I tried the epsom salts and as of today, she's doing swimmingly lol. Thanks everyone for your help :)
  2. F

    Freaked out betta after net jumping

    Hi all! A friend of mine is having me watch over her 4 bettas while she's out of town for a little less than 2 weeks. She came over to set up their tanks and all were ok except the one she brought today after he jumped from the net after acclimation and landed on the ridge of the tank cover...
  3. F

    Diamond tetra with bloat?

    I thought about her maybe being filled with eggs but I wasn't sure how long that would last, nor do I know how that affects behavior. It may be an explanation for why the males are acting crazy now but they don't seem to be only harassing her, instead mostly just harassing each other. I've never...
  4. F

    Diamond tetra with bloat?

    It is possible that it's the bloodworms. I didn't know they could carry diseases as I thought they'd be treated but I can switch to something else just in case. Different frozen foods aren't hard to come by around here. I did 1/4 tsp per gallon. I think I left the fish in there 5 mins as they...
  5. F

    Blotches on EBJD stomach

    Hi! What are the tanks parameters at the moment and are the other fish acting strangely or showing any signs of issue? I'd certainly try a water change and see if any improvement is seen. Is he otherwise discolored or have flared gils?
  6. F

    Dropsy/bloat prognosis

    Welcome! It may have been that he was very bloated from constipation or something blocking his digestive tract. After it passed, he normalized. The water change may have also helped him fight off something else and he was able to pass it through his system. Some infections block the digestive...
  7. F

    Diamond tetra with bloat?

    Thanks for the replies! I gave her a pea a few days ago. Her swelling has gone down and she seemed to have gotten better in that regard but I noticed the red streaking again today which appears to be around her anus. She's also still lethargic and seems stressed but no longer swims oddly. I've...
  8. F

    Diamond tetra with bloat?

    Greetings everyone! I have a 29g planted tank with 7 diamond tetras and a pair of pearl gouramis. I use a Penguin 200 over the back filter, I feed my fish usually twice a day. Once with plant based flakes and once with fish based. Once a week I feed frozen blood or tubifex worms before their...
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