Freaked out betta after net jumping

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 6, 2014
Midwestern US
Hi all!

A friend of mine is having me watch over her 4 bettas while she's out of town for a little less than 2 weeks. She came over to set up their tanks and all were ok except the one she brought today after he jumped from the net after acclimation and landed on the ridge of the tank cover. We got him back in after a couple of seconds but he's now breathing heavily. He's swimming around fine otherwise though.

We administered some salt to his tank at 1tablespoon per 5g but we only added 1 tablespoon for the time being. He's not gasping at the surface but his gills seem to be working hard.

Normally they're all in a split 20g breeder but she found it too difficult to bring over and instead she brought 2 5gs and asked if she could use my 10g hospital tank. The one with the issue is in the 10g along with another one of hers that has been there for a few days. There's an opaque divider between them. She staggered bringing them over and the other one doesn't seem to have any issues.

The 10g is cycled and has a sponge filter. The fish cannot see each other but water flows above, below and through a few small slits in the divider. I've kept plenty of bettas (I have one too) but I've never had one end up landing outside the tank before. I know they jump but I've always had lids and no issues. The only decor in the tank are some small PVC pipes and a few floating plants. There is no substrate.

Basically we just want to know how long the salt can stay in there, whether he'll have permanent damage from his adventure and whether we should do anything else. I don't normally put salt in a fish's residence so I'm not sure how long it can be in there. She's basically in the same boat. Most sources I've looked at don't say so I'm not sure if it's even an issue.

Temp: 80
Ammo: 0
Nitrate: 5
PH: looks like 8.0

Edit: She says she's had him a little less than a month and has been fine up until now.

Thanks for any assistance.
I actually add a very small amount of salt to my bettas water. 1/4 to 1/2 tsp per 3 gallons. And some people keep more salt in the water. However if he's not used to salt I wouldn't really advise it... why did you decide to put salt in his water?

It sounds like your little guy is stressed with the move and the acrobatics act. I would suggest just waiting and watching. He is probably very very traumatized.

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