Recent content by Fishmahn1964

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. F

    Is my anemone sick, or is this normal?

    The comment on the "warring anemones" is timely. I have been having odd problems in the tank unrelated to the normal tank parameters. Maybe this is what I am seeing!
  2. F

    Your opinion

    There must be some mistake here. I just looked at your photos and they do not look like what was described to me. I wonder if I am mistaking you for someone else?
  3. F

    Your opinion

    Your beneficial bacteria are really inside the LR, in your substrate, and in your biofilter (if you have one). I would not worry about the light for them. The algae is good to remove those things bad for the fish, but can be detrimental as well. I would do 4 to 6 hours max of light daily...
  4. F

    Is my anemone sick, or is this normal?

    I know that some protein need to be cooked or they prevent absorption of other proteins. I also know that some proteins should not be cooked because once they are denatured, they will not be absorbed. So I think it is 6 of one 1/2 dozen of the other. Seeing that these things evolved eating raw...
  5. F

    Your opinion

    I have a thought or two. If your live animals are OK, why don't you ease up for a week or so. That is, from the 21st to the 27th, you have been changing the conditions of your system what seems like several times a day and looking for results w/in 24 hours. I don't know how accurate that...
  6. F

    What is the best skimmer out there?

    Keep them coming, I do like the Aqua C (s). The Euroreef (s) I have looked at are huge...and expensive. Wow, who knew plexiglass tubing could be so expensive!
  7. F

    What is the best skimmer out there?

    I need to get a skimmer for my tank, and I don't have a sump. I will build one if need be. But I would like to know what brands are good. I just have a 29 gal., so I don't want to go overboard. But I think it is time to get cracken on this. I have put it off for a while do to good water...
  8. F

    Is my anemone sick, or is this normal?

    I think I have a bum anemone. It doesn't have half the personality you are all describing. In fact, it moved to the back of the tank, facing away from where anyone can see it. What an odd creature! Anyhow, I have determined the shrinking is what this thing does. Than you all for the help. I...
  9. F

    Is my anemone sick, or is this normal?

    The anemone is doing better I think it is looking for a place to settle in. Do these things ever eat? The guy at the shop told me every few days. It was looking better this morning, so I tried a little krill tonight. It wanted nothing to do with it. In fact, it is on the move again, looking...
  10. F

    Is my anemone sick, or is this normal?

    I just two days ago purchased a nice looking but small long tenticled anemone (LTA). Day 1- looks great, perc loves it, starts to move as it doesn't like the substrate I put together for it (of course). Day 2- morning- wriggles into some live rock, attaches but perc can't get to it so my wife...
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