What is the best skimmer out there?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 20, 2004
Swartz Creek MI
I need to get a skimmer for my tank, and I don't have a sump. I will build one if need be.
But I would like to know what brands are good.
I just have a 29 gal., so I don't want to go overboard. But I think it is
time to get cracken on this. I have put it off for a while do to good water
quality. I don't want to get caught on the wrong side of this thing.

The best HOB skimmer for your size tank, IMO, is the Aqua C Remora with a MJ1200 pump. If you wanted something larger, although it wouldn't really be needed, you might look at the HOB version of the Red Sea Berlin or the Turboflotor Multi.
I use an Aqua C Urchin (In sump version of the Remora) but I have heard the Euroreef's are better.
Keep them coming, I do like the Aqua C (s).
The Euroreef (s) I have looked at are huge...and expensive.
Wow, who knew plexiglass tubing could be so expensive!
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