Recent content by Flexxy

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  1. F

    Stocking a 27 Hex Tank

    Update!! i've decided not to go with angels... so right now im looking at going with 2 kribs, 6 rasboras... then im thinking like 10 pristella tetras or 6 rosy barbs. I don't know of the barbs would give the kribs or rasboras a hard time if the barbs are in a group like that, i wouldn't think...
  2. F

    Stocking a 27 Hex Tank

    Hey All! Im starting a 27 gallon Hex tank, I have an Emperor 280 for my filtration. My problem is, I don't know what to stock it with. Right now i have 9 Zebra Danios in there to cycle the tank which i had from a previous set up. I really like Kribs, but I've been checking out the angels at...
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