Recent content by GwenS

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. G

    Aggressive convict dad

    Good morning! I picked up a pair of convicts last week, along with their fry. I put them in a 29g tank all by themselves. It seems that in transit from the store to my tank something happened and now the male won't let the female anywhere near the fry and is chasing her mercilessly whenever he...
  2. G

    New Here. Hoping to get great ideas

    Hi! I'm new here but not new to fishies. I currently have 1-5" Tiger Oscar, 1-2.5" Lutino Tiger Oscar, 1-4" Common Pleco and 3 common goldfish in a temporary 29g (125g no longer holds water). The goldfish were culled from a friends batch of baby goldfish and were meant to be a very rare treat...
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