Recent content by heyheyitsrae

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  1. heyheyitsrae

    goldfish show off.

    My little goldfish with racing stripes, these are the pictures of him i took at the store. I think he's an oranda? Or maybe just a fantail. It doesnt matter to me :) He's in a 50 gallon tank with a white/orange oranda and a calico fantail. They're a little bigger than him, maybe 2 inches...
  2. heyheyitsrae

    15 gallon Asian Biotope/Lighting questions.

    Okay, so then should i go ahead and get a new hood? Since the filter is missing parts and the light probably won't be strong enough. Any suggestions?
  3. heyheyitsrae

    15 gallon Asian Biotope/Lighting questions.

    Thank you lots for your crypt suggestions. :D I'll go look them up right after this. So there's a picture of my lighting fixure. I believe it is a T8, 18" 5500K full spectrum bulb. Could i use a T5 on a T8 fixture?
  4. heyheyitsrae

    15 gallon Asian Biotope/Lighting questions.

    Hi! I have a 15 gallon tank (footprint of a 10 gallon with some extra height) and I want to set it up as an Asian biotope once i find a stand for it. I plan on getting red ecocomplete plant substrate. Anyway, my plant plans are as follows: Java fern on driftwood Willow hygro (hygro augustifolia)...
  5. heyheyitsrae

    fish in a 75 gal freshwater community tank

    Personal prejudice alert: I don't like silver dollars. Although they'd definitely fit in your tank, they just aren't as attractive once they grow up. What if you say what "main" or centerpiece fish you for sure want, then we can work around that? :)
  6. heyheyitsrae

    fish in a 75 gal freshwater community tank

    A friend recently had to get rid of hers because the fish got more aggressive with time. Not sire which she kept, but i know she kept it with angels. However, this was in a 55 gallon tank. Perhaps the larger volume of water will make cohabitation more peaceful? I believe it's always worth a...
  7. heyheyitsrae

    List of low-bioload fish

    Not just size, but also diet. Fish that eat lots of greens (plecos, mollies, goldfish, etc) aren't able to actually digest all of the plant material (cellulose, i believe?) too efficiently and because of this they poop it a lot of it out. Predators, like oscars (and on a smaller scale puffers)...
  8. heyheyitsrae

    fish in a 75 gal freshwater community tank

    I wouldn't trust the tiger barbs with angelfish, and I'm not too sure about the two different types of "sharks" being together. Also i think kuhli loaches are over-rated. I never see mine even with just some tetras in te tank with them.
  9. heyheyitsrae

    Betta type?

    Veil tail with partially missing caudal? Hopefully after you have him for awhile in a nice warm tank it'll grow back.
  10. heyheyitsrae

    Saving my ngelfish from the bronk of death please help

    Right side of his body really swollen. He seems to be able to use his pectoral fins for locomotion, a little. The 15 gallon he's going to soon has 2 sponge filters running on air pumps so tons of aeration. His fins are so torn up...
  11. heyheyitsrae

    Saving my ngelfish from the bronk of death please help

    Took a heater out of another tank put it in my 15 gallon. Gonnna be awhile until in heats up. Only 2 silver mollies and some ghost shrimp in there right now those can be moved. Should I do some hot water changes to speed up the process?
  12. heyheyitsrae

    Saving my ngelfish from the bronk of death please help

    Trying to think of place to put him, but worried about stressing him like with temperature and stuff. Having my sister keep him upright right now, he's in a fairly large plastic Tupperware bowl
  13. heyheyitsrae

    Saving my ngelfish from the bronk of death please help

    Only right gill cover seems to be moving. Put a live black worm in there to get him to eat no luck so far.
  14. heyheyitsrae

    Saving my ngelfish from the bronk of death please help

    Bullied by tank mates do I put him so he's vertical again??
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