
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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I am45 yrs. old, have 5 children. Three are grown and two at home still. I have a 4yr.old grandson

Aquariums, my dutchshepard and crocet
Freeburg Il.
My Tanks
I have three tanks now. A 65 gal planted aquarium; Amazon Swords, Java Ferns, Water Sprite, Ricci, and duckweed. I also have driftwood. Occupants are 1 Veil Tail Angelfish
1 Giant Dino
2 Glow tetras
2Pictus Catfish
1 Brown Knife fish
2 skirted tetras. Second tank is a 20 gal planted occupants are two breeding Marble Angelfish with twelve of their fry.
Third tank is a thirty gal aquarium with driftwood and some plants and it contains 18 of the angelfish fry.
65 gal has tetra 70 Filter, air pump and C02.


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