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      Lila replied to the thread Fin Biting or Fin Rot?.
      haha yes occasionally he will eat the freeze dried ones if i break it up but I think i might try the frozen bloodworms, I'm just not...
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      Lila replied to the thread Fin Biting or Fin Rot?.
      I just did a 25% water change and replaced with purified water to even the gh out again. I'm restarting the dosing as the instructions...
    • L
      Lila replied to the thread Fin Biting or Fin Rot?.
      Right I had figured I made that mistake — the instructions said 4days apart with water change in between. After dosing twice I was away...
    • L
      Lila replied to the thread Fin Biting or Fin Rot?.
      Hi again, It's been about a month. I originally dosed every 4 days with a water change in between. After about 2 doses the immediate...
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