Recent content by samwise

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  1. S

    ocellaris and firefish

    As far as I know, these two types of fish would be ok with each other in the same tank. However, I've got a purple firefish that doesn't leave it's hiding place and the new (red) firefish i added seem to have it's tail bitten and its not leaving its hiding place. I'm pretty sure the clowns are...
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    Purple Algae

    I probably know the answer to this but i'm going to ask anyways. Is there a natural way of getting purple algae off the glass? Or do i basically scrape it off with something? Sam
  3. S

    Death of a peppermint shrimp

    After several attempts of finding out why my peppermint shrimps keep dying, I think I've found the cause. At first I thought it was the Iodine that i put in, because 2 times..the shrimps disappeared right after I added the iodine. But tonight, I think I found the true cause. I got back from work...
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    Death knocking at their door.

    I don't think it's using the currents in my tank.. In fact both the astreas i have in there love the current. They actually spend most of the time pretty close to the nozzle. But alas.. I was checking my tank this afternoon and the one astrea is moving even slower than this morning and...
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    Death knocking at their door.

    I've had the snails for maybe a year or so. They are Astrea snails to be exact and were pretty much full grown when i got them. I've never seen them fall off before, so i guess i'll just keep watching them. I guess if they do die.. I can just go get a few more at the LFS, they aren't too...
  6. S

    Death knocking at their door.

    I guess what i'm trying to ask is that one of my snails keep falling off the glass and it's moving real sluggish. Come to think of it, before my mithraxes died they moved real slow too. Sam
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    Death knocking at their door.

    How can you tell if a hermit crab or a snail is on its last leg of life? Sam
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    yellow sponge

    what's the difference? Sam
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    yellow sponge

    Hmm... What if i got a hypothermic needle to inject air into it... would that work? Sam
  10. S

    yellow sponge

    I've got this yellow colored sponge on some live rock. From what I can understand, it should die in direct light., but it's not... in fact, it seems that there are some growing on another piece on the other side of the tank. Is there a way to get rid of them? Sam
  11. S

    Hair Algae and the fish that love them.

    I have read that American Flagfish and SAE can help with Hair Algae control. My question is, how aggressive are these fish toward other tank mates. I've got neon tetras and freshwater bunnies (guppies), all in a 29/30 gal. Thanx in advance. Sam
  12. S

    Aiptasia in my tank

    Becareful about putting Peppermint shrimps in your tank with other established shrimps. I've got a Blood shrimp in my tank and i think it kept killing any new peppermints i added.
  13. S

    Protein Skimmer for a JBJ Nanocube

    I am getting this green film on the top of my water in my Nanocube and its kinda obstructing the light. I know I need a skimmer to help with the problem. So, I was wondering if there is a skimmer out there that would somehow fit in a JBJ Nanocube. I know someone that hung one off the front...
  14. S

    id please

    another option would have been emerald mithrax crabs
  15. S

    Guppies dieing... Why

    I was going to ask what the temperature was, but since things are fine, congrats. Oh... and putting female guppies in... Bassnman is right about getting another tank. I have 5 males and 1 female at one time and the female was being .. er... chased too much so I added another female. I don't...
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