Protein Skimmer for a JBJ Nanocube

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 26, 2004
Columbus, Oh
I am getting this green film on the top of my water in my Nanocube and its kinda obstructing the light. I know I need a skimmer to help with the problem. So, I was wondering if there is a skimmer out there that would somehow fit in a JBJ Nanocube. I know someone that hung one off the front side, but that looked kinda wierd. The aquarium is quite established so i can't really do any major construction to it.

Thanx in advance
Keep up with your water changes and run activated carbon 24/7. On that small of a tank, a protein skimmer is really not necessary.

The only skimmer that comes to mind is a Skilter. These skimmers are terrible and not worth the $40 or so. However, I have heard of some people making some modifications and getting decent results from the skimmer. HTH
First off, make sure you feed very lightly. You need to point the nozzel of the powerhead so that the water coming out breaks and ripples the surface of the water. Adding a second powerhead to he other side of the tank will help circulate water through the filtration device.
I've seen someone mod their nano cube by cutting out a sqaure piece of their hood to fit a Remora skimmer on the back of tank.
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