Recent content by SkullJug

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  1. FW Equipment Pics

    FW Equipment Pics

    The Hardware
  2. tank16


  3. S

    Need advice on tank setup for a Betta

    I use an eclipse 6 for my betta and the filter is no problem - Just remove the bio wheel and pack the well where the outflow is (Under the bio wheel) with a course sponge to disperse the water a bit - Keep the tank topped right up so that the water isn't falling into the tank and you'll pretty...
  4. S

    Take a look of this!!

    Just despicable, it makes my blood boil to see that poor little guy about the get his tail chopped off. One of the things I love about my LFS guy is he is vocal about dyed fish, refuses to sell goldfish bowls and after 'Finding Nemo' came out he refused to sell clownfish to anyone he didn't...
  5. S

    Anyone else own a Clown Piranha?

    Damn right, I live near the beach and we always go for a bit of a surf. I love just casually saying "I wonder how many sharks there are around here?" Despite the fact that we all grew up at the brach and no one will actually say they are frightened - Within 5 minutes everyone will be out of...
  6. S

    Tell me if i'm wrong

    Tell me about it. When I told her not to do it she said "But the guy said it pretty easy" I pointed out that he stood to make a profit from you buying the fish but I don't think she really got the point.
  7. S

    Tell me if i'm wrong

    My cousin (by marriage) wants to buy her dad a clown fish and a seahorse so he can set his tank up as marine. She asked me about it and I told her not to but wanted to check with everyone about this. I am into planted tanks and have never done s/w so am not totally sure. The LFS guy told her...
  8. S

    Gravel change - Help needed!

    I have an aquaball that I used to use for QT tank. They are pretty good, as with all eheim the pump will run forever but doesn't have a lot of grunt. My only real complaint is the venturi works really poorly.
  9. S

    how long does it take to get 0 ammonia

    First off some good news, Your plants won't be affected, They can use ammonia as a source of nitrogen. The only thing you can do is keep water changing to keep you ammonia at a low rate. Unfortunately keeping the ammonia low enough to save the rest of you fish will also slow you cycle down...
  10. S

    What fish should I get?

    Tetras should be kept in schools of the same type. They will only school together if they are the same type and 1 tetra by himself is fairly vulnerable. You could give it a go but I don't think they'll be very happy. The catfish sounds like a Pleco, but I have also seen bristlenoses with those...
  11. S

    Impeller Cleaning?

    Your impeller can get clogged up and you should give it a clean whenever you clean the filter. I just rinse it and rub any gunk of it with my finger. The shaft probably has some sort of bushing or bearing it sits in so be careful not to lose them. I would strongly advise against using a...
  12. S

    pearling macrandra

    Looks Great!!! I am about to redo my tank and was plannning on using macaranda, I'm purposefully choosing plants I've never grown before and am looking forward to the challenge. Thanks for the inspiration!! Let us know how you go with the colour!
  13. S

    Substrate for 'future' planted tank

    I am a huge fan of soil substrate mixed with Vermiculite, topped with sand. It's cheap and very effective, The roots on all my plants go absolutely nuts. and I love the look of the sand on top (It can be a bugger to get glosso going though!!!) The downside of it is that constant replanting...
  14. S

    Substrate for 'future' planted tank

    Damn right!! I wanted to give this ago in my QT tank just to see what all the fuss was about until I priced it!!! My home made substrate costs $12 for a 75g and works brilliantly. Would love to try Eco, but not for the $$$
  15. S


    You might also want to try putting some pipe on the outlet of powerhead, sit it vertically with the outlet pushing close to the top of the pipe. The water flow will push the bubbles down, but they will naturally try to rise. You can get almost 100% of the co2 dissolved this way and it's easy...
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