Recent content by wxruss8

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  1. W

    interesting fish for a 10 gallon planted tank

    Maybe add three glass catfish. I put three glass cats in my 10 gallon with two fancy guppies and two gold zebra danios. Everyone gets along real well, and the glass cats are really cool looking.
  2. W

    Albino Corys acting odd

    Ahhh, OK. I didn't know that. Thanks for the info. I do enjoy watching him though. Here's a quick video. (You will see 7 guppies, 2 of them are there temporarily until I get their home situated).
  3. W

    Albino Corys acting odd

    Hey there, I just got 3 albino corydoras to put in my 10 gallon with 5 small guppies. Two of the corys swim around looking for food, acting normal. One of them however is constantly darting from one side of the tank to the other. He swims so fast he leaves a wake on the surface! I'll try to get...
  4. W

    How many male guppies in a 10 gallon tank

    I have 6 male guppies in my ten gallon and they seem very happy. I'd say thats the max though.
  5. W

    Fishless Cycling

    I've been doing lots of research on freshwater aquariums lately since I got a 10 gallon tank for Christmas and subsequently got another 10 gallon tank 2 weeks ago. One of the main things I've read about is cycling the tank before adding fish. I get the idea behind it, it makes sense. The first...
  6. W

    My new 29g "aquascaped" tank

    That is very cool looking! I really like the rocks and the tree. I'd try a school of danios or cardinal tetra.
  7. W

    My New 10 Gallon FW Tank

    I started a new 10 gallon freshwater tank 1 week ago today. It has an Aqueon 20 filter, a Tetra HT 10 heater, lit by 2 25 watt incandescent bulbs (soon to be upgraded to LEDs), and the substrate is half Nat Geo black sand and half black gravel. I have 2 live plants, an Amazon Sword and the other...
  8. W

    Post your Betta Pics Here

    Heres my little guy, Nermal. He's a veil tail I got from PetCo 3 days ago. He's in an EcoQube C, a neat little 1.75 gallon tank with a built in bio-filter that grows herbs (I have basil seeds in mine). He seems happy. The flow from the filter seems to bother him sometimes, so I just run the...
  9. W

    New tank buddies!

    Nice! I love endler's livebearers, so pretty
  10. W

    Check out my very first tank! :)

    That is one heck of a first tank! Awesome! Puts my tank to shame. I just added my first real plant to my 10 gallon today, an amazon sword. What plant is that in the very center of the tank that looks like a single stalk rising up? I like it.
  11. W

    Post your full tank shot here.

    My new 10 gallon. Population: 2 glass cats, 2 fancy guppies, 4 zebra danios, 1 velvet swordtail, and 1 ghost shrimp I plan on adding some live plants later on
  12. W

    Celestial Pearl Danios

    I love danios! Probably my favorite fish (tied with Livebearer guppies of course). I have 2 gold zebras and 3 regular zebra danios, and they so active and fun to watch.
  13. W

    Guppies harassing Swordtail

    Cool, thank you! Yep, that's exactly what it looks like, flirting. The sword just kind of ignores them mostly. During feeding time, they all go after the food and focus on eating, so it's not interfering with his food intake. I'll keep an eye on it.
  14. W

    Guppies harassing Swordtail

    I've had these two male fancy guppies for a little over a month, where they've lived peacefully with two zebra danios. This weekend I added two glass catfish and a velvet swordtail. The guppies (one more than the other) is constantly harassing the swordtail (who is bigger) by kind of picking at...
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