Recent content by xmasangel

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. X

    aquarium hood question

    Hi, my current lighting for my 10 gal tank is falling apart, so I was looking into full aquarium hoods. I noticed that All-glass creates one that is pretty reasonable in price, but I noticed that Petco has a safety instructions for full hoods which says "This appliance was designed for use over...
  2. X

    dying neon

    NM. I think it was my dwarf gourami that was killing off my fish especially the neons. I purchased a small tank to place on the side of the aquarium just to isolate him for a while to see what happens. So far, the number of neons has not declined :) we'll see what happens in a couple days...
  3. X

    dying neon

    NM. I think it was my dwarf gourami that was killing off my fish especially the neons. I purchased a small tank to place on the side of the aquarium just to isolate him for a while to see what happens. So far, the number of neons has not declined :) we'll see what happens in a couple days...
  4. X

    dying neon

    i had my water tested by my local fish store before I put in the neons on Friday. They told me that everything looked good. Today, I had the water retested because of this neon. The guy said that everything is okay except the pH is a little high. I'm planning on doing a water change...
  5. X

    dying neon

    Hi. I am fairly new to aquariums. Here is my problem. This morning I found one of my neons with its tail stuck on the filter. It was struggling a bit, so I knew it was still alive. I unplugged the filter and carefully helped it out with a net. After being freed, it just kind of sunk and...
  6. X

    Newbie Need Help

    thanks. the girl at the local pet/fish store showed me the different types of hardy fish that can be used... just curious, my tank came with lighting that sits on top of the tank, but the tank is not fully covered, is it often that fish jump out? Thanks again, crossing my fingers and hoping...
  7. X

    Newbie Need Help

    thanks. are a couple of neon tetras good starter fish? And, I was just wondering if I can just use water from my tap? or brita filtered water? or does it have to be store purchased? thanks again.
  8. X

    Newbie Need Help

    Hi, I just purchased an aquarium set from a local person which includes a 10 gallon tank,Hood with light, stand,Whisper filter, Heater, rock (mostly black with various colors thrown in the mix), fake grass, and sunken ship. The lady told me that everything is in good working condition and that...
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