P. Altum. Do they age poorly?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 26, 2021
Once again I’m setting up an altum tank that became a P.scalare tank the first time around. I’m reading finnage in the elegant Altum declines with age & most posted photos are of younger fish in their prime. I’d prefer some colorful long finned scalare to shrinking Altums. I am of course assuming high water quality.

Is this more internet balderdash or do Altums age poorly? Thank you.
The issue tends to be tank size. They really should be in a tank at least 30-36 inches tall at a minimum. Very few people keep them in tanks that tall. Any Angelfish kept in a tank too short in height will have fin issues. I saw 7 Altums in a 300 gallon tank at a friend's store. They were raised in the 300 gallon tank. They were in there for 7 years so you can't say that they were mistreated or sickly. Their fins were barely as tall as the Angel in my Avatar. :( Even a standard 300 is too short in height for that fish. They need the height because they can get 15" + from top to bottom. So if you are concerned about finnage and can't get a tank at least that 30"-36" tall, I'd say you are going to be disappointed. My planned Altum tank is going to be 8'L x4'H x 3-4' W. That way I know they'll have no tank issues. ;)
thanks Andy! I know you’re an angelfish expert and was hoping you’d reply. Every word you say makes perfect sense. My tallest tanks are 30”, two 110s and a 220 gallon. The fish I would buy are F1 three month olds, maybe a bit younger. The plan was to put them in a 75 G for now and upgrade later. I don’t know if getting a tank of the dimensions you mention would work. It would have to go downstairs where there’s a concrete slab. All other tanks are upstairs, well supported by 4x4 posts below. The only huge tanks I know of were custom made. I’m sure my husband could figure it out, but it’s not his thing. Maybe I should stick to my scalare.

How tall was that 300?
thanks Andy! I know you’re an angelfish expert and was hoping you’d reply. Every word you say makes perfect sense. My tallest tanks are 30”, two 110s and a 220 gallon. The fish I would buy are F1 three month olds, maybe a bit younger. The plan was to put them in a 75 G for now and upgrade later. I don’t know if getting a tank of the dimensions you mention would work. It would have to go downstairs where there’s a concrete slab. All other tanks are upstairs, well supported by 4x4 posts below. The only huge tanks I know of were custom made. I’m sure my husband could figure it out, but it’s not his thing. Maybe I should stick to my scalare.

How tall was that 300?
If I remember correctly, either 20" or 24". It was the standard 6' long tank.
The reason I don't already have Altums is because I don't have a tank large enough for them. I also saw a pair in a 55 that were breeding for a shop owner ( so she said). They were full finned fish although probably half the size of those 7 I saw. So you have time but as I said, if you want those long long fins, you have to give them space to grow them.
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I have decided against Altums. If I were dying for them, I’m sure my handyman could build the tank, but I’m not all that into it. Maybe if they were red with purple fins. lol.
I have decided against Altums. If I were dying for them, I’m sure my handyman could build the tank, but I’m not all that into it. Maybe if they were red with purple fins. lol.
I'm looking into building a plywood tank for them which is how they will be in such a large tank. I've seen adults in public aquariums so I've seen large fish with tall fins. (y) See if you can find some public aquarium sites with livecams of them.
no nearby aquariums here. Magnificent one in San Francisco
My handyman could build me a big ass tank, but I’m not all that into it
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