Is Tetra sick?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 17, 2010
Is Tetra sick? I have 40 gallon tank with air stones and 2 filters made for a 40 gallon. One of my tetras is hanging out on top of the tank. It looks like my tetra is gasping for air. My other fish are fine. Temp is 77-79 deg. Is this normal? he is a red eyed tetra. My tank is cycled. there is no ammonia.
Is Tetra sick? I have 40 gallon tank with air stones and 2 filters made for a 40 gallon. One of my tetras is hanging out on top of the tank. It looks like my tetra is gasping for air. My other fish are fine. Temp is 77-79 deg. Is this normal? he is a red eyed tetra. My tank is cycled. there is no ammonia.
Is this something that it's always doing or just doing some times?
Always doing. I do not know why. I always take care of my fish, but they keep dying. My water is fine,. I also have another fish that swims weird been like that for a few months. This is in my 40 gallon tank.
Here is a video of my fish, the yellow fish and my Tetra.
Here is a video of my fish, the yellow fish and my Tetra.
They both appear to be bloated so it's most likely a swim bladder issue. That can come from an internal infection, constipation or an injury from being attacked by another fish. Sometimes the swim bladder can heal itself. Sometimes it responds well to internal medications. Both of these do not happen regularly and to be honest, the cost of the medications necessary to treat them would be more than the cost to replace the fish ( which I wouldn't do at this time ). You can try doing Epsom salt baths on these fish but in their condition, the stress may be more than they can handle.
As for why this is happening: The yellow one is a genetically engineered fish so that could have something to do with it. As for the Red Eye Tetra, it just looks like an older fish ( based on it's size) and there is nothing you can do about that. Time plays dirty tricks on the elderly. As long as you have more healthy fish in the tank, feed a good variety of quality foods and maintain good water quality, that's the best you can do. Losing fish is just part of life after that. (y)
Can over feeding cause swim bladder issues? I try not to over feed and only put in small amount for food. What the fish can eat for a minute. I have lost many fish because I was a beginner. But I am learning new things all the time. Thanks for your response. I highly apparated it.
Can over feeding cause swim bladder issues? I try not to over feed and only put in small amount for food. What the fish can eat for a minute. I have lost many fish because I was a beginner. But I am learning new things all the time. Thanks for your response. I highly apparated it.
Overeating would more likely cause constipation than a swim bladder issue. The food should be what they can eat in 2-3 minutes however so you may be underfeeding and the Red Eye was too slow to get the food due to age. The Glo-Tetra just looked bloated to me vs full from feeding.
Wow, I thought 1 min was enough for feeding. I will start feeding for 3 minutes. I do not want my fish to starve, this could explain my sick fish, thanks for letting me know. How many pellets should I feed my guppies? I have 4 guppies per tank. I do not want to over feed or under feed, thanks.
Wow, I thought 1 min was enough for feeding. I will start feeding for 3 minutes. I do not want my fish to starve, this could explain my sick fish, thanks for letting me know. How many pellets should I feed my guppies? I have 4 guppies per tank. I do not want to over feed or under feed, thanks.
YOU have to experiment with pellets. It's all going to depend on the size of them. It should also be as much as they eat in 2-3 minutes. ( Check the package as it may have a feeding recommendation.) Make sure you feed them more than just pellets btw. They need algae in their diet for coloration and digestion.
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