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  1. D

    Can mollies cross breed with endlers?

    Although they are in different groups, Guppies, Endlers and Mollies are all in the Poecilia family. So technically, yes but it is very unlikely to ever happen.
  2. D

    Tips on breeding black mollies?

    Agreed to the breeding. Just keep a ratio of 1M:2F and theyll breed pretty quick. To treat ich, its actually best to bring the temperature up to about 86 and leave it like that for 2 weeks, then bring it back down to normal temperature. Thats the method I used and I havent had an ich outbreak...
  3. D

    Is my molly fish pregnant?

    Thats a female Platy, not a Molly. She does look pregnant, once her belly gets the squared off look \___/ <--- like this she will be dropping her fry soon.
  4. D

    Pregnant Guppies

    Hey all! Im new to this forum but not to the fish hobby. I have 2 female guppies that are very pregnant and ready to drop soon. I moved them over from my all female tank to a 5 gallon birthing tank. Ive had them in there for about 4 days now and they still havent dropped their fry. When they...
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