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  1. FishFanaticSyd

    Is my setup right for starting a nano reef?

    Oh. How difficult would it be to switch to sand at this stage? Not planning on getting corals until early next year if then, so there is time to get the sand cycled if necessary. Here is my aquarium light: The package says it is 5 watts. White light, 200 lumens.
  2. FishFanaticSyd

    Is my setup right for starting a nano reef?

    Thanks for the reply! Yeah unfortunately the light said not to use it unless you had a cover glass. Thanks for the info, I was hoping my tank was ready! I don't know too much about corals, what are the best and easiest types to try in a nano? Also,why don't you like crushed coral/think...
  3. FishFanaticSyd

    Is my setup right for starting a nano reef?

    Do I have the right setup for a nano reef in my tank? I have a standard 10 gallon tank. I am filtering with a small HOB filter (Top Fin 10), and providing flow with an AquaClear 30 powerhead. My tank bottom is crushed coral. I am lighting wiith a 5 watt LILYS LED clip light. I have a...
  4. FishFanaticSyd

    Trying to nano reef

    Ok thanks
  5. FishFanaticSyd

    Some advice for a new aquarist?

    Great! Sounds like you've got everything on track. If you ever have algae problems I would recommend some otocinclus catfish, they are pure gold.
  6. FishFanaticSyd

    Some advice for a new aquarist?

    I wouldn't recommend adding much of anything without installing a heater and filter in your tank. Aquarium fish are very temperature sensitive, and high temperature variation can stress them out, which leads to a repressed immune system. Filtration helps circulate the water and the media...
  7. FishFanaticSyd

    Trying to nano reef

    By large water changes do you mean about 20% a week? I already have a pretty high flow going in the tank, and I don't know how much more current I should add. The hermit crabs seem to have trouble climbing to get at the algae in the areas with especially high water flow (the current blows the...
  8. FishFanaticSyd

    Trying to nano reef

    Hi, I am trying to start a nano reef in my 10 gallon saltwater aquarium. I have a peppermint shrimp, a percula clown, and a few (think six or seven) assorted red leg and blue leg hermit crabs. I have LED lighting that is on 8 hours a day and my nitrites, nitrates, ammonia and pH are all good...
  9. FishFanaticSyd

    36 gallon bowfront

    Thanks for the tip! I definitely want to see how this goes!
  10. FishFanaticSyd

    36 gallon bowfront

    I have considered that before, but I really don't want to risk injured fish and I have no place to put all the fry. Appreciate the suggestion but I really don't think it would work in my tanks. Is there anything in particular I should know about glass catfish? I have never kept them before.
  11. FishFanaticSyd

    Am I stocked?

    Would I need sand for that fish? I have coral gravel.
  12. FishFanaticSyd

    5.5 gallon

    I will as soon as I can!
  13. FishFanaticSyd

    Am I stocked?

    I have a 26 gallon marine tank that I am wondering whether I can add fish to or not. I am relatively new to saltwater aquaria and am not sure whether my tank is fully stocked. I have an undergravel filtration system combined with about 15 pounds of live rock. I have one Royal Gramma and a...
  14. FishFanaticSyd

    36 gallon bowfront

    I recently acquired a 36 bowfront from a friend who is downsizing. I jumpstarted the cycle and now have a kribensis male in there. I am going to wait a couple of weeks before adding any other fish to let the tank mature. (I had to switch out two tanks as I have no space left in my fish room...
  15. FishFanaticSyd

    5.5 gallon

    Your bettas are beautiful! I got a baby 'female' at Petco (the only place I can find them) yesterday. I still cannot see the ovipositor. She looks healthy to me. Thanks for the suggestions!
  16. FishFanaticSyd

    5.5 gallon

    I might do just that... been wanting to try a young betta for a while. For one about 1'' what food would be best? I have Hikari first bites, frozen mysis, betta pellets, flake, spirulina, granule and freeze dried brineshrimp.
  17. FishFanaticSyd

    5.5 gallon

    I had my 5.5 gallon 'wiped out' by ?. I am going to reset the tank. What fish could I put in it? (I am looking for something fairly uncommon.) Our well water is soft with a pH of around 5.5-6.0 if this helps any. Any suggestions?
  18. FishFanaticSyd

    Jenynsia Biotope

    Pretty much the same... I looked at some Jenynsia Lineata articles when I couldn't find anything on jenynsia onca on the internet. I will definitely keep taking pictures!
  19. FishFanaticSyd

    Jenynsia Biotope

    Sorry if the pictures are no great, they are taken with a cell phone.
  20. FishFanaticSyd

    Jenynsia Biotope

    Finally! I got the pictures up!
  21. FishFanaticSyd

    Jenynsia Biotope

    They really are beautiful fish. My one male (the smallest) is a goofball. Using similar (size-wise) species on aqadvisor, my tank is fully stocked. I will try to get the pictures up in the next couple days.
  22. FishFanaticSyd

    Jenynsia Biotope

    This is a slightly different species, Jenynsia onca. There isn't much info on the internet as to how big they get. Thanks for the suggestion on emailing my supplier, but the fish seem to have completely recovered by now. I don't think I'll be able to put them in a larger tank anytime soon...
  23. FishFanaticSyd

    Jenynsia Biotope

    Has anyone here done a biotope on Jenynsia sp. fish? I set up a biotope for Jenynsia onca a while ago. It is a 'true' biotope as close as I can get it. (it only includes fish, plants and snails from Rio Uruguay.) Everything except the amazon swords is on a website called Imperial Tropicals...
  24. FishFanaticSyd


    If it is, it is not caused by constipation. He's been like this for at least three months if not more. The only fishy ailment I have battled is fin rot! Oh, and a little marine fungus that went away by itself... I don't know what to do if it is SBD either.
  25. FishFanaticSyd


    I have a betta (usually in a cylindrical 3 gallon tank) that isn't swimming right. He basically can't go down from the surface of the water. I have noticed no signs of any disease, and he has been like this for maybe 3 or 4 months. I don't think he has SBD. Is there anything I can do about...
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