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  1. L

    I'm shutting down my tank, anyone local want my fish? LI, NY

    sadly after 3 or 4 years, ive decided to shut down my tank. life has just been too busy latley, and with a baby on the way im going to have even less time to tend to the tank. the only fish that i have left are two clownfish. id rather not take them to the LFS. i got them when they were babies...
  2. L

    naso and hippo tang both belly up this morning

    that was tested after the fact... my nitrate levels have been bounching all over the place for a while.. hi one week, low the next.all the other levels stay the same.
  3. L

    naso and hippo tang both belly up this morning

    nitrate is about 30 ive had them a year and a half. the naso was about 6"-7" the hippo was about an inch smaller.
  4. L

    naso and hippo tang both belly up this morning

    salinity .021 amonia between 0 - .25 PH 8.0 nitrite 0
  5. L

    naso and hippo tang both belly up this morning

    i tested the water, everything is normal they looked healthy just yesterday 5 gallon change 5 days ago 46 gallon running for appx 2 years (i know its small for those fish, but i didnt know that when i got them)
  6. L

    naso and hippo tang both belly up this morning

    ive had both of them since they were no bigger than a quater and today they both went belly up. now just two lonely clowns left :cry:
  7. L

    baby starfish??

    is it possible that my brittle star spawned itself? ive got 3 or 4 of these roaming around my tank
  8. L

    please allow me to introduce myself

    hello all i started my first aquarium when i was about 10 years old with a red ear turtle named timmy the turtle. 14 years later he is still around. i started my first saltwater aquarium about 3 years ago by accident. my girlfriend at the time had a 20g tank with 2 seahorses and one small...
  9. L

    What is growing all over my tank?!? PLEASE HELP!

    well thats a relif.. ive been freaking out the last few days.. i have no idea where they came from though.. i havnt added anything to the tank in a while. can i get rid of them though? they kind of creep me out
  10. L

    What is growing all over my tank?!? PLEASE HELP!

    here are some more, sorry for the un clear pics, but they are small and im no photographer ;)
  11. L

    What is growing all over my tank?!? PLEASE HELP!

    a few months ago i noticed a few little white tube-like things with tentacles that look like clear hairs coming out of them growing in the sand of my tank. lately they seem to have spread everywhere... in the sand, on the rocks, in the filter. they seem to be eating more food than my fish are...
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