please allow me to introduce myself

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 24, 2006
hello all

i started my first aquarium when i was about 10 years old with a red ear turtle named timmy the turtle. 14 years later he is still around.

i started my first saltwater aquarium about 3 years ago by accident. my girlfriend at the time had a 20g tank with 2 seahorses and one small fire fish. she eventually lost interest in caring for the tank so taking what i learned from her and some self educating, i took over. i added a few more small fish and eventually moved the seahorses to another tank so they would be less stressed out. i soon upgraded to a 46g which is what i still have today. the seahorses were among the most difficult, and when they died i gave up on them and shut down that tank.
i moved to a new house about 6 months ago and the tank had to come with me, luckily i only moved about 4 miles. no fish were lost in the process.
i really think its a great hobby and from some posts that ive been reading, there seems to be some very knowledgeable people here to learn from.
Welcome to AA! You will have a great time here. As TCT noted there is a lot of knowledgeable people here. And very friendly too.
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