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  1. P

    White splotch on black molly -- appears to be acting normal

    Hi all, This is my black molly - as you can see it has a white splotch near its upper fin. It appears to be acting totally normal. Is this something I should be worried about/should treat? It just appeared today.
  2. P

    Painted platy - is this ich?

    Hi all, My painted platy seems to be suffering from ich, but I just want to make sure that's what it is. Here is a brief video as well if that helps I did recently get new fish, and I know ich tends to pop up when new acquisitions happen (but I don't know any more than that) -- it's...
  3. P

    Stocking ideas (30gal)

    Thanks for the help, guys. Really appreciate the stocking calculator -- they say I'm overstocked, so no more fish for me for now. They also informed me I need real driftwood for my bristlenose -- I only have some plastic hides so I'm ordering driftwood and some plants today. No, the...
  4. P

    Stocking ideas (30gal)

    Hi all, I wanted to check on how my 30gal is stocked -- I don't think I've overstocked but I wanted to be sure. If I do have room for more fish, I wanted some ideas on other species that could be kept with mine. Green corydoras x5 Peppered corydoras x2 Platy 3x Molly 2x Balloon molly x2...
  5. P

    Already have a bunch of fish - help with cycling

    Hi all, I am brand new to the hobby and just learning about cycling. I got a bunch of fish earlier today and they were put into a brand new 29G with a few fish purchased about a week ago by some family members. Inside: 5x black skirt tetra, 2x platy, 4x guppy, 2x peppered cory, 1x bristlenose...
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