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  1. K

    Hi I don't know what I got myself into

    So here goes I bought two mail sailfin Molly's because I thought they looked soo cool the way they put their fin up like a sail when they swim, however the two males started chasing each other and stressing out my other fish in my 60 gallon Soo I decided to buy some females. I bought one regular...
  2. K

    This dosent make any sense

    I have a 60 gallon that would be soon much water doing a 50% water change every few hrs could I do a water change every other day
  3. K

    This dosent make any sense

    Ok so my tank has been running for about a month with a full tank of fish. Before adding I used turbo start and quick start . My ammonia levels right now are at about a 2-3 and my nitrite levels are about a 6 and my nitrates are at a 15 so I have the nitrates in my tank but my nitrite isn't...
  4. K

    Please help me

    Is it possible that I killed the good bacteria by cleaning my tank too much and my filter could that be why my nitraits are high
  5. K

    Please help me

    I'm at my end and losing my mind I have a 65 gallon tank and my nitraits are really high the fish seem fine but it's still high. In the last week I did a 50 percent water change I replaced all the sponges in my canister filter I even added two live plants and have used the tetra ph booster and...
  6. K


    Hi I know your not suppose to keep two rainbow sharks in a 65 gallon tank together even if it's a albino rainbow and a regular one they will still attack each other but my question is can a rainbow shark live with a glo fish shark???
  7. K

    Please help me

    Everyone needs to read this amazing story and it's true So I have gotten ick really badly in my 65 gallon tank I lost 6 fish in a matter of a day I acted very quickly turning my heat up to 87 degrees for a week it made some spots go away but we're still very visible on a few so I took the fish...
  8. K

    Please help me

    Does it help that I just bought a 10w line in uv sterilizer
  9. K

    Please help me

    The main tank seems to be fine there are no spots on the fish on the main tank I acted very quickly and took fish out the second �� saw spots
  10. K

    Please help me

    It's just really wierd because the whole tank got hit with ick my bala had it and my three killifish my two catfish didn't get it because they hide all day but I treated all the fish at 87 degrees for five days and the bala and the killifish all cleared up but the angelfish still had spots so I...
  11. K

    Please help me

    Are these any better
  12. K

    Please help me

    Here are some better pictures can anyone see the ick or the one angels eyes???
  13. K

    Please help me

    Help I'm medicating with ich x they are already on their third dose of medicine
  14. K

    Please help me

    I don't know if u can see it but the biggest angelfish has one spot on his side wing and the other silver angelfish has this white coating over his eye is it ich still??? Should I put them back in main tank or keep them in quarantine??
  15. K

    Please help me

    Is it possible for my fish to still have ich they have been in the main tank for 5 days at 86 degrees than the fish that still had spots after the fish days I put in a quarantine tank with meds ich x they have been there for two days now but the one angelfish still has one spot on its fin and...
  16. K


    Hi I have a 55 gallon tank with angelfish, tetras, mollies, rapheal catfish, a couple danios anyway my question is my tank is present to 78 degrees is that too high??? I actually just bought a new heater that is present to 76 degrees so when it comes I'm going to switch it if I have too and also...
  17. K

    Does anyone know these answers???

    I have a 55 gallon some angelfish tetra danios mollies but my question is I have one iridescent shark I've read that keeping just one will cause the fish depression but I also have a suncat fish that's about the same size as the iridescent shark now I know there different fish but aren't they...
  18. K

    Does anyone know these answers???

    Please answer if anyone knows.. I have a 55 gallon some angelfish tetra danios mollies but my question is I have one iridescent shark I've read that keeping just one will cause the fish depression but I also have a suncat fish that's about the same size as the iridescent shark now I know there...
  19. K

    Does anyone know these answers???

    Can a iridescent shark and a suncat fish which are basically the same live together??? Also is it normal that my ghost fish knife is just sitting at the bottom of my tank he swims rarely to different spots are they suppose to be that inactive even turned off lights to watch it and he just sits...
  20. K

    Please help me

    I have a 55 gallon 4 angelfish two tetras a giant danios a bala shark and a iridescent shark my tank has ick and I have lost four fish due to it I bought ick guard and used it my fish looked better now it's back again on my angel what should I do ph levels are fine I've been doing 20% water...
  21. K

    Please help me

    I have a 55 gallon 4 angelfish two tetras a giant danios a bala shark and a iridescent shark my tank has ick and I have lost four fish due to it I bought ick guard and used it my fish looked better now it's back again on my angel what should I do ph levels are fine I've been doing 20% water...
  22. K

    3 dead fish in last 2 days

    Please help I have a 55 gallon 4 angelfish two tetras a giant danios a bala shark and a iridescent shark my tank has ick and I have lost four fish due to it I bought ick guard and used it my fish looked better now it's back again on my angel what should I do ph levels are fine I've been doing...
  23. K

    3 dead fish in last 2 days

    Need help I don't have any nitraits on my tank when I test for ammonia or nitraits it's always the lowest number is that a good thing or bad thing I have like rock pebbles in my tank my levels are great but I still feel like there's a yellowish tint or cloud to my water
  24. K

    3 dead fish in last 2 days

    Yes I am aware of that when they get too big my cousin has a 125 gallon tank that I have to set up but I'm going to wait till they get bigger. Also on a different note I have a cloudy water problem I mean it's not bad but I can def notice like a yellowish to the water I've tested my tank, my...
  25. K

    3 dead fish in last 2 days

    Ph levels need to be at least 7.5 Hi my name's kyle I have a 55 gallon tank with 4 angelfish 8 neon tetras 3 glo fish one iridescent shark one bala shark and two giant danios and two plecos also 3 snails to keep my tank clean so I can do less water changes. Anyway I have gone through a lot of...
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