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  1. P

    pediatrician's aquarium

    I love it! Well, really I'm just very envious. I'd love to have a tank that big but I think my parents would kick it out, followed by me. And TankGirl, I have an aspiration to own a huge house in which I'll just "have" to use tanks as room dividers . . . ahh, to be rich and not famous!
  2. P

    fish selection! 10g

    It sounds good; good luck! Personally, I think the whole DG corralling the cardinal tetras is a combination of the small tank and the personality of gouramis (they are often bullies to each other or other fish). My own gouramis used to haggle each other constantly while in a 20 gallon, the...
  3. P

    Any one else feel like they need more challenge?

    I'm still trying to FIND peace in my tank! (Lack of money in "budget" has it treading water . . . *sigh*) (plus it's 55 gallons, so even if I had the money, I would need more than, say, a 30 gallon would to get it to where I want it to be.) But prior to that, I had a successful ten and twenty...
  4. P

    no fish for you

    OOH! Ouch! Poor poor poor POOR Bettas! Ha, the little boy should join Aqua. Advi. so that we can let him know of his egregious error. Granted, there are some people who shouldn't have fish - don't like animals, aren't responsible, etc. But the very fact that the people here who aren't as...
  5. P

    What book(s) are you reading now?

    to smilla4: Da Vinci Code. Hands down. It's awesome. I think da Vinci himself was awesome - the orignial Renaissance Man - plus he was left handed, vegetarian, and gay (I have the vegetarian thing in common with him!!). Plus those notebooks, his inventions, all the stuff he did - *swoon*...
  6. P

    suggestions on my "to buy" list

    Oh! Live plants!! SUPER labor intensive - at least the set-up is. You need to have recommended 3 Watts Per Gallon - minimum - for plants. So if you're planning a 55 gallon tank, you'll need at least (over) 150 WPG. You'll need supplements for the plants as well, and it's strongly...
  7. P

    favourite fish

    Personally, I really like coolie/kuhli loaches - they [can] come with super-distinct markings and there's just something about them that I find really appealing. Tiger barbs have oodles of personality and are always darting around; neon tetras are absolutely gorgeous in their "simplicity" (but...
  8. P

    Q for those with Python siphoning system or similar...

    Is it worth it to get a Python? I want to, but still haven't completley decided; are there any hassles that come along with it or is it just perfect in every way (:wink:)? Does it also do the reverse, where it can drain water from the tank? Thanks.
  9. P

    Do you go fishing for sport?

    I did it once, catch and release; refuse to kill it! (BUT I don't fish as a sport . . . uhh, apparantly . . . !) although I would generally say that I'm against fishing, I have to say that fishers - as well as hunters - are actually among those who advocate the most for saving the environment...
  10. P

    What book(s) are you reading now?

    In response to smilla4: a lot of people call Austen stodgy and prissy, which I can't understand, because she was a forerunner of women authors. Besides, the language she used was normal language back then. It just seems like every time I bring up P&P people sort of wrinkle their noses in...
  11. P

    Setting up new tank, confused by conflicting advice!

    Welcome welcome! First off, tiger barbs will NOT eat other fish alive although they are pesky fin-nippers. In groups the size of around 4-6 + (which you have already put together) they will stick with each other and generally only harass each other. As for the crabs: they may or may not be...
  12. P

    Freshwater Stingrays

    Sorry. . . but I guess not. I was fooling around on the internet once looking for prices, and I did come across one site which sells them . . . which I conveniently forgot. (But then again, it might not be reputable.) Try googling it.
  13. P

    What book(s) are you reading now?

    Wow, caught me at a bad in-between book stage, because I'm not really IN anything, just skimming around . . . But I am currently reading/re-reading: Letters from the Earth by Mark Twain (finished) The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka (just barely started) Pride and Prejudice (despite a lot of...
  14. P

    Fish tanks and feng shui

    I've never read or learned anything about feng shui (until I read this post!) but now I'm intrigued so I want to learn more (more for curiosity's sake than anything else). Personally, I don't believe in the fish tank bringing upon you bad luck. For me, my fish tank is RIGHT NEXT to my bed. As...
  15. P

    Guess I spoil him after all

    LOL . . . Puff Daddy . . . My fish all clamor to one end whenever I approach the tank the way I normally do when I feed them, but I would have thought they would differenciate b/t that and actually feeding because I drum the top of the tank when I'm about to feed them so they know. But they...
  16. P

    65 flat back hex...or 65 tall

    I'd also say the flatback, unless I was profiling one species in the tall and it looked better or something . . . but overall, the flatback is better. Why? Are you planning on purchasing one or the other?
  17. P

    questions about lighting (& more) for a 55 gallon tank

    Thnx so much; definitely looking into it. Greatly appreciate the advice . . . but I guess that's why I come here! :wink:
  18. P

    i have seen sad things

    Same story here, all the way around; there's a petsmart (relatively) close to my home (I'd have to take a bus to get to it) and I want a job there too. There's a Walmart walking distance from my house (oh, the horrors!) and a petco not too far off, but they don't know anything, and I feel like...
  19. P

    questions about lighting (& more) for a 55 gallon tank

    Okay. I've been wanting to do a lushly planted tank for . . . well, for ages! But I have a lighting issue. I currently have a single T-8 flourescent (however you spell that) light fixture. As we all know, flourescent lights are extremely weak, and this supports nothing but java ferns and the...
  20. P

    layout update (suggestions, please)

    Wow. I really don't have the experience to be able to tell you anything about it, except that I've never seen such an in-depth plan! That looks awesome . . . can't wait to see it all put together.
  21. P

    New Aquarium Design

    looks cool! I always wish I had the creativity/supplies/ability for those DIY things. Good luck! Post projects when it's all put together. What fish do you plan on keepint in it?
  22. P

    Dream Fish / What Fish Would You Love to Keep and Haven't?

    Saltwater: picasso triggerfish, seahorses . . . and a whole Hawaiian reef! A HUGE tank with all these fish from the Hawaiian reefs/islands . . . *siiiiiiigh!* Freshwater: a vivarium (I know that doesn't really count), koi, arowana and/or red-tailed catfish (arowana easily reaches 4', catfish...
  23. P

    Aquarium in restaurant...

    Wowwee, those fish tanks make me drool with envy . . . Am I the only one put off by all these eating-fish remarks?? 8O I've never liked the taste of seafood. The last time I even liked fish sticks or tuna fish salad was like 3rd or 4th grade. On top of that, I'm now vegetarian, and . . ...
  24. P

    Huge new basement tank!?!?!

    Awww, so sorry to hear it! I saw the title and I was like, "oooh! I want a big tank!" and I opened the post - and, well, the pity started pouring! Much agrieved to hear this foul turn of events. I truly hope it all works out. And vent anytime - not only does it make the rest of us more...
  25. P

    Got an extra $5800 for a 15 gallon tank?

    Oh, NO. That "tank" is hideous and NOT worth the money. It makes me think of those prints that people by for $2000 - they're duplicate pictures, not even the original, and yet still fetch that much money. Uhhh, NO. I don't think that's true artistry either. I like the porthole idea, and...
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