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    tank size for 3 neon tetras

    I currently have a 20 gallon tank with 3 neon tetras. I no longer have time to maintain the tank (eg water changes) so I want to move them into something smaller that is easier to manage. What is the minimum tank size they require?
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    what's wrong with tank?? fish not thriving

    I have a 20 gallon tank. A few days after my ryukin died two weeks ago (7 yrs old) I cleaned the tank (vacuum, water change, rinsed filter with tank water). A couple of days later I tested the water and all came back fine (0 ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, ph =7.6). Temp is about 80. I headed...
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    community fish advise

    I have a 20 gallon tank that housed my 7+ year old ryukin that recently died. I would like to convert it to a tank of community fish. Is there anything special I have to do to prepare it? I was planning to do a water/filter change. Any suggestions of fish that would be fun for kids to watch? I...
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    sick Ryukin

    I have 2 Ryukin in a 20 gallon tank that are approx 6 years old. Yesterday I found one of them hiding under the log on its side. Its breathing but doesn't move and doesn't eat. I checked the water and all is ok except the ph is low (no2/no3/amm = 0, ph = 6.0). He so well hidden that I...
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    bacterial bloom and high ammonia

    I have a 20g tank with 2 ryukins. Until recently everything was fine, except that I was a negligent in changing the filter for a few months. As a result, there was brown stuff (mulm?) all over the it (dense floss cartridge) and the holes in stationary filter were clogged with it too. I made...
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    ryukin - missing gills and discoloration

    I've noticed a couple of things lately and am not sure whether to be concerned or not... Two weeks ago I noticed that my two fish have a patch of gills missing on one side... both in the same area. I suspected it was due them squeezing behind a log that had moved closer to the back glass when...
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    sick Ryukin?

    I've had ongoing constipation/swim bladder problems with one of my Ryukin. After feeding him peas for a bit he gets back to normal, but it always comes back. For the past few weeks I've found him hiding at the bottom of the tank, usually with his head under a piece of the log, and looking...
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    constipated ryukin

    one of my fish keeps getting constipated. i gave him a diet of frozen peas for over two weeks and he was doing well. soon after he went back to goldfish crisps the problem came back. i also feed them bloodworms occassionally. i've repeated the frozen pea diet (with a little epsom salt mixed...
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    treating constipated ryukin

    last week i noticed that one of my two ryukin was floating upside down at the top of the tank. At first I thought it had died, but after a while it started swimming again, although with more of a wobble than usual. After doing some research I determined that its likely constipation. I stopped...
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    can dwarf gourami recover?

    My 20g tank is a few months old. I started with 3 dwarf gouramis, but am now down to two after one died from high ammonia. for over a week another has been hiding, not eating and sitting on the gravel, so i suspect it may have developed ammonia toxicity as well. The water has had zero ammonia...
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    can't get ammonia level down

    I bought my first 20g tank about two months ago and cycled it for a few weeks as instructed. i then added 3 dwarf gouramis, which i was told are good hardy fish to start with, and do 25% water changes weekly using a gravel vacuum. the tank has gravel, driftwood and plastic decor. recently one...
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