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  1. W

    Downsizing 180G Planted Discus Tank to...?

    My 180 Gallon discus tank has become too much maintenance and I want to down size but I'm not sure to what. After I sell the discus I will be left with tons of plants and driftwood and about 30 Cardinal tetras, 20 rummy nose tetras, 4 plecos and about 10 cory cats. I'm thinking they would go...
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    Bristlenose Pleco with white patches that come and go

    I've had a single BN pleco in my 29g (76*F, 6.6ph, gh/kh 1) for a little over a year now and he has these white patches with white bumps in them randomly throughout his body. The bumps look like ich, but I dont believe they are because they stay confined to the white patches and none of the...
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    Gold Ram with red spot on head/nose, looks like internal bleeding?

    I bought a two gold rams about a week ago and yesterday I noticed one of them has something wrong with his head and nose. It looks like blood underneath the skin with the top part a dark shade of blood. Should I be worried about an infection or does it look like a injury from fighting or running...
  4. W

    Designing a Spraybar for a 180G Tank

    I'm setting up a 180 gallon planted discus tank and I need to design a spray bar for the return. I'm trying to figure out what diameter PVC pipe will work best for a 6ft tank running (2) 1000gph pumps. I'm only going to use one pump at first but will eventually buy a second. Also, I need to...
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    Sick Betta! Please help!

    Hi, I believe my 2 year old betta Pebbles is sick. About two weeks ago I noticed a small white "pimple" above his left eye. I thought it was ich at first so I examined him closely and determined it was not. A couple days later the "pimple" went away so I figured it was just an injury or...
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    Lost all my shrimp last night!!

    I went to go feed my fish this morning and I noticed both of my bamboo shrimp were dead! Upon further inspection, I noticed i lost all my Amano shrimp and every fish in the tank was at the surface gasping for air. Yesterday, I removed the last bit of porous rock from the tank and replaced it...
  7. W

    Reusing cansiter filter foam

    I recently bought a used Rena XP3 canister filer off ebay for $55 :D. It was used on a salt water tank for half a year they said. My question is, can I clean the two sets of coarse filter foam and reuse them on my fresh water tank? If so, what is the best way? I was going to buy new pads but...
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    Questions about otoclincus

    Hi, I bought a few otoclincus about a week ago and I'm having trouble getting them to eat. They are currently in my quarantine tank so there is not much algae for them to eat. I have tried feeding them blanched cucumbers, okra, lettuce, asparagus, and also algae wafers; all of which they turned...
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    Cant get rid of this Ich!

    About a month ago my black molly got ich so i QT'd her until 2 days ago. After trying Quick-cure for 3 days with no results i tried the heat + salt method. The whitespots disappeared so i waited 7 days then released her back into the main tank thinking the ick was gone. Well, today i noticed a...
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    DIY T5HO Lighting vs. Buying fixture

    I need new lights for my planted 75G but i cant decide if i should DIY or just buy an already made fixture? I want to speed $200 max so i was thinking it might be cheaper to go with a DIY setup since i have a canopy. I want 4 bulbs so i know i will need 2 ballasts. Any ideas on what i should...
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    Cleaning Rena XP2 Filter

    I just bought a used Rena XP2 filter and i was wondering how i should clean the pads/filters inside the canister? I want to clean everything just in case the last person had any diseases or parasites in their tank. Whats the best way to get the foam/mesh filters clean and sterile? The filter has...
  12. W

    Versa-top does not fit??

    I bought a 55g tank last week and bought 2 24" versa-tops for it today. I got home and went to put them on the tank but they are too wide! Each opening on my tank is 23" wide while the versa-tops are 23 1/8" wide. Has anyone else had this problem? How wide is everyone else's 55g top openings...
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