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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. Cyprinids (sharks/danios/rasboras/barbs)

    Cyprinids (sharks/danios/rasboras/barbs)

  2. Characins (tetras/pacu/pirhana)

    Characins (tetras/pacu/pirhana)

  3. Members FW Tanks

    Members FW Tanks

    Full tank pics here
  4. Bottom feeders (plecos/cats/loaches)

    Bottom feeders (plecos/cats/loaches)

  5. Goldfish and Koi

    Goldfish and Koi

  6. K

    Restocking Suggestions

    Hello! I used to post here quite a bit some time ago, but life got busy. And as it got busy not only did the forum get forgotten, but care of my fish tank dwindled. Of all the wonderful fish I had (and generations of them), I only have two platties left. And they probably aren't going to...
  7. K

    Vegetable diet

    Best rule of thumb to remember here - no matter who posts, it is all just advice. Not of it is mandatory. Sometimes people just don't have the ability to or forget to word things in a suggestion type of way.
  8. K

    Gravel Changeouts

    Thank you so much! :)
  9. K

    Weird acting rummynose. . .

    I don't have any experience with rummynose, but I did have one Buenos Aires tetra that I added later that refused to interact with my other BA tetras. He hung out instead with the Giant Danios for a long time (I think he had an identity crisis going on). About four to five weeks later, he...
  10. K

    Gravel Changeouts

    No, I have no signs that it's been bad for them -- on the fish themselves. But I had people telling me it could easily injure them having a coarser substrate. I want to do what will be best for them long term.
  11. K

    Gravel Changeouts

    Gah, I should know better and have checked articles first. But I'd still like to know if anyone thinks the cory cats will be better off if I change. :)
  12. K

    Gravel Changeouts

    Question! I have been contemplating changing out the gravel in my 75 gallon tank to something a little more friendly to my bottom dwellers. Currently I have black aquarium gravel, and it's probably medium sized. (I bought it back before I knew there were other options!) I've heard finer...
  13. K

    HELP, a 72 gal. bowfront, cloudy water every 3 days!

    Based on what you've said, I suspect this is the cause of your cloudiness that keeps returning. I don't know if taking them out and soaking and boiling them now will help or hurt (others may comment), but if it was me I would take them out and soak and/or boil them. I have heard soaking alone...
  14. K

    HELP, a 72 gal. bowfront, cloudy water every 3 days!

    Did you soak your driftwood prior to putting it in the tank? I had to boil and soak both of mine for quite some time before putting them in the tank, because they do create cloudiness if not soaked first.
  15. K

    Mean Zebra Danios

    Also, if you have a petsmart in your area check on them for specials. I got my 75 gallon tank WAY on sale February of last year. There are 'peak' sales seasons for fish products and non-peak seasons. During the non-peak they try to entice people to buy. I don't know all the non-peak, but I...
  16. K

    Did I just make a huge mistake?

    Laterite also causes a cloudy mess and clogs filters. I learned that the hard way. *grumble*
  17. K

    Big tank complete!!!

    Oh, that had to have broken your heart!! I'm glad you still managed to find a way to make the tank though! That sounds extraordinary! I wish I had one that big! *drool*
  18. K

    Question on Cloudy Water

    Oh yes! Not to mention half of my night time entertainment is sitting with the lights off and watching my cory cats play at night! Impossible to do in cloudy water!
  19. K

    Planted Tank Update

    Thank you! I'll look into those!
  20. K

    Planted Tank Update

    It's been a while since I posted here. So I'll update. I have a 20T tank that I've made my planted tank. I don't have any special lighting for it -- just whatever came with it from Petsmart. I will check wattage at home, but I don't think it's very high. The only thing I've added to help...
  21. K

    Heater options for my 75 gallon...

    I use 2 - 200W as someone advised me here when I was planning my 75 gallon. It's worked out great having a heater on both sides of the tank and near both of my filter outlets. The temperature always remains constant throughout the tank.
  22. K

    Daily feeding of fish in the morning or at night

    I feed mine at night, usually right after I've had my dinner and before I do dishes. This gives them an hour or two (depending on weeknight or weekend) of light to eat up the food and then swim around before lights out. So it's usually around 6 PM when I feed mine, and then lights go out...
  23. K

    Fluval questions

    Someone on here recommended the Fluval to me when I was planning the purchase of my 75 gallon. It was the best advise! I adore my Fluval 304!! I keep the output faucet just slightly above the water line, because my giant danios love to frolic in the water stream as it comes in from overhead...
  24. K

    Dalmatian mollie & Platy mated????

    Exactly. I had purchased two blue cobra guppies - one male and one female. The male died within a week of arrival while in quarantine. I didn't feel like going to return him, so I left the lady alone. Some time later she gave birth...then she gave birth again. I have one of the babies left...
  25. K

    List of heavy-lite waste producing fish?

    My platties are always pooping! I swear, that's all they do is poop and have babies!
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