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  1. W

    Extremely High Nitrates!!

    My tank has been established now for about 3 years. I do a water changes now and again and have never had real problems with my parameters. However, recently I noticed my fish were dying off here and there, I put it down to age and forgot about it. However, lately both my gourami and BN died, so...
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    Cotton Mouth

    Hi. Two weeks ago I bought 4 red phantom tetras and quickly noticed 3 had -what I believe to be 'cotton mouth' I put them into QT with, melafix and aquarium salt but nothing has changed. I decided to put them back in the main tank today in the hope that stable water conditions will have more of...
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    Pregnant Guppy?

    I've never had a pregnant animal before, let alone a fish. However, I know the signs but just want clarification, that what I'm seeing isn't just wishful thinking lol. I picked up a few female guppies yesterday and noticed one was suspiciously fatter than the others, and also seems to have...
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    Hard Algae...Not sure about the name!

    I have that hard, dot algae all over the front of my tank and Coffeefolia anubias. It's got so bad that most leaves of the anubia's are nearly covered with it. It would break my heart to cut off the leaves, as I've had this plant since last Christmas and its given off about 6 leaves since...
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    Fertilizer Advice...Again!!

    Ok, most people who read my 'nagging' threads will know that I use Flourish Comprehensive and Excel, all my plants are growing and most are more green than they have ever been, along with my My Red Tiger Lotus, which is a lovely shade of red. I have 1.2wpg over a 12UK gallon fish tank. However...
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    Newly planted Hemianthus Callitrichoides.

    I received a massive pot of this plant today, which I wasn't expecting to be so big. After taking off the useless floss stuff from around the roots, I noticed most of the long roots had snapped off :banghead: Basically, I want to know how to plant this so it goes along the bottom, rather than...
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    Red Cherry Shrimp & Flourish

    I just added more RCS, which I haven't had for quite a while. I was just wondering, since they are sensitive to copper, can I still use Flourish comprehensive, or not? I know there is very little copper in this fertiliser, but I thought I'd ask just in case. Also, is Flourish Excel still safe to...
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    Stable, healthy plants, now dying!!

    I cleaned my 17litre last...Saturday. I cleaned the filter -- with old tank water, took all the plants out and then stirred up all the gravel before adding more water. I woke Sunday to find all my plants dying :( My Staugoryne repens was brown and decayed, my Christmas moss is browning and so is...
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    Re-stocking a 17 litre tank

    I woke this morning to have yet another betta die, from being in this tank! I checked the water parameters and all were perfect, I guess it was just down to them being bought from a pet store, and potentially being a bit old. Anyway... I have decided not to have another betta, as I have gone...
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    White Mold Growing on Sumatra Wood

    I've had this piece of wood for a few weeks, but the last 2 weeks its started to grow a white mold, that looks a bit like smoke, if that makes sense. Here's a picture of what it looks like, the picture is not mine. I've scrubbed it off with a...
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    Flourish Excel

    The lighting over my 17litre is 27watts and I dose with flourish comprehensive, every so often. I was wondering whether Flourish Excel, would make a difference to my tank? I don't want to fuss with co2 but I want my plants to look healthy Thanks :)
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    Staurogyne Repens

    Does anyone know how to cut this plant, in order to create a carpet? Staurogyne repens Thanks :)
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    Congo Tetra's

    I've wanted these fish for years and recently I've seen them in every fish store. I think I know the answer, but is it possible for me to have a school of these fish in my 56 litre? Thanks :)
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    Hemianthus Callitrichoides

    Is Co2 essential for this plant to grow? I want to plant some in my 17litre tank, I don't have co2 but do dose with ferts. Also, this is probably a silly question but... when a seller says its selling 5 HC, does this mean its only 5 small plants, rather than a big bunch? Another...
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    Lighting Question

    I've been asking questions on here a lot, these last few days lol. Anyway, 12 gallon - 24inch long with T8-15watt daylight bulb. I was wondering, if it were possible to take out my old lighting and replace it with a better unit, or would it be easier to add additional lighting. Like this? Buy...
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    Dutch Aquascape!

    My aquascapes always look rubbish, with the same species plants planted randomly all around the tank. Is it possible to do this type of aquascape with low light setups, no Co2 and little ferts? Plants I have: Anubias Barteri. var. Coffeefolia Anubias Barteri. var. Nana Anubia's Barteri. var...
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    Painting Tank White!!

    I've heard that painting the underside of the hood white, helps to reflect light around the tank. My aquarium hood is black, would painting it white make any difference, as my lighting is low light? Thanks :)
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    Limnophila Heterophylla

    Just picked up this plant by accident, I meant to get the sessiflora for low light. I was wondering how this plant would do in low light? Thanks :)
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    What Plant Is This?

    I bought this plant about 2 weeks ago, it wasn't labelled but, to me it looks like a Crypt. I was just wondering whether anyone could I.d this plant for me, please. Their not the best photos, Thanks :)
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    Dried Bamboo Cane?

    Can I use this in a fish tank? I have loads of the stuff hanging around and I was hoping I could tie some anubia's to it, for height in the tank. Thanks :)
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    Help! New Betta Losing His Scales!!

    My betta died on Saturday and my mother came home with a new one Sunday, he was perfectly fine yesterday, although he was chasing his reflection, but fins all perfect and there didn't seem to be anything wrong with him. I woke today and his fins are all breaking off, their pale, there's a white...
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    Red Tiger Lotus Bulb!

    Just before Xmas I ordered one of these from Amazon, it came with the plant and roots, along with a separate bulb. I've added the bulb to my betta tank, under 7.2wpg, for around 6 hours a day and its growing super quick. I was just wondering when it grows to a decent size, do I detach it from...
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    Hydrocotyle Sibthorpioides

    I'm not sure what this is I found a single stem among my Crypts a couple of weeks ago and have been trying to find out what it is, ever since. At first I nearly threw it but I decided to see if it would grow, and it is, I just don't know what to do with it. Do I just grow it as a normal stem...
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    New Filter!

    Well, I found the problem with the mold! After stripping everything down 2 weeks ago, sterilising, bleaching and then re-cycling... the mold is back!! I have an aquael filter that came with the tank, but it no longer works as well as it used to, so I'm looking for a good filter that will keep my...
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    What is this??

    I found this in my betta's tank last night, I have no idea where it came from. At first I thought it might be Java Moss, but it doesn't look anything like it -- I assume the JM is the smaller piece in the photo, if so, again I have no clue where its come from. Another thing...I have Java Fern...
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