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  1. F

    Blue / Green Water

    A few months ago I changed my filter for a Tetra EX600 and all is well. However I have noticed since using this new filter my water goes slightly blue/green a week after a water change. All my bio media has now turned completely green. Maybe the filter part is just a coincidence but I'd like to...
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    Help with scales issue

    I've noticed a few of my platy have badly damaged scales, zebra danio also looking in a similar condition. I've attached a photo. Please help me ID the issue. Also, I've noticed a lot of slime building up in my canister tubes over the last week. I'm not sure if this is connected but its...
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    Cichlid ID

    Had this fish for a few weeks, it is supposed to be a female Bolivian Ram Cichlid but after looking on Google I am starting to think its not. Any ideas?
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    I woke up today to fine 60% of my fish as dead, all shrimp are dead and my snails are out of the water. My ammonia level are normal, and nitrate levels are normal. The Nitrite levels are off the scale, I guess its somewhere around 5, maybe more. I have drained the tank down to 50% and I will...
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    Plants Keep Dying

    For some reason my plants keep dying and I don't know why. I have had maybe 30 plants since I started 12 months ago. I feed my plants with Leaf Zone, I even purchased the Caribsea Eco Complete Substrate to help the plants root but this has not helped. I have tried many plants at a time, and I've...
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    Nasty Tank

    My tank has been setup for many months now but it has become seriously dirty with algae and limescale. There is a horrible limescale type stain around the water level which will not come off no matter how hard I scrub it. What I would like to do it empty the tank and put the fish into a...
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    Water Changes

    My water checks are looking pretty good. NH4 - 0.02 NO2 - 0.005 NO3 - 5 Is it necessary to change the water weekly if the water ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates are within acceptable ranges?
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    Copper In Water

    Can someone tell me if there is copper in tap water?
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    Caribsea Eco Complete Substrate

    I am considering removing my gravel and adding this Eco Complete with a fine sand on top. Will this benefit me in any way? Does the Eco Complete ever need to be replaced? How do I stop it mixing in with the sand and making an awful mess?
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    Nutrafin Waste Control

    Last week I purchased some Nutrafin Waste Control to try. After using the gravel vac today I can notice a big difference in the waste being sucked up. The waste now seems to be a lot smaller than before suggesting it was being broken up by the Waste Control. I guess most people on here will...
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    Found Two Critters

    Yesterday I found some critters which look very much like clear limpets. Today I found something new, it looks like a VERY small worm, clear, but with a white spot in the middle. I already have 3 nerites and 11 MTS so I guess the limpets won't become a problem. Any ideas what the microscopic...
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    Is it acceptable to slightly overstock a tank providing the filter is up to scratch and the tank maintenance is very good?
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    Is it a good idea to have medication on hand in case I need it or shall I just buy as and when required.
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    Breeding Snails

    If I wanted to have a crack at breeding nerite & mystery snails, what would I need to start off? Minimum tank size? Filter? Heater? Gravel/Sand?
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    Lazy Lazy Assassins

    My assassin snails just sleep all day and night. I've got one which hasn't moved in three days. Yes, he's still alive. According to the internet assassins can catch and eat 1 - 2 snails per day. This can't be correct because I put a pond snail into the tank to see how long it would take for the...
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    Bubble From Gravel

    Today I've noticed there are a lot of bubbles coming from the gravel, this is very unusual and is something which people normally only see when setting up for the first time when air is trapped. I haven't made any changes or done anything to cause the bubbles except use Tetra NitrateMinus...
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    Tank Completed

    I think I'm finished with my first 35l tank now as I'm fully stocked, or overstocked should I say :rolleyes: Fish 6 Zebra Danio 5 Guppy 5 Neon Tetra 3 White Molly 3 Checkerboard Dwarf Cichlid 1 Bristle Nose Plec Inverts 5 Amano Shrimp 2 Assassin Snails Plants 2 Moss Balls Hygrophilia...
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    New Plec

    Purchased this plec today, not sure which type it is but it looks like a L177. Any ideas?
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    API Stress Zyme

    I can't find any previous posts about this products. How does this product work, and how well do you rate it?
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    Zebra Danio Being Unusual

    I was about to start a water change but noticed my zebra danio were acting unusual. Two of them were stuck in the plants, and the other three were just lying on the gravel. When I opened the lid they went totally mad, darting off at high speed swimming into the glass, plants, and other fish...
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    API Freshwater Master Testing Kit Wrong ?

    The API Freshwater Master testing kit comes with four glass tubes for measuring the water. These are supposed marked as 5ml, but they are not, it is more like 4.5ml. Although this is a small difference, I guess it can affect the results. Should I be using 5ml of water, or the 4.5ml as marked on...
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    Going away on holiday

    I might be going to Australia for 5 weeks at the end of this year so I am wondering what you guys do when you go away for long periods and don't have anyone to help maintain your tank. I know you can buy automatic feeders which drop food every day or so, but I am thinking more along the line of...
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    Shrimps & Snail

    I have five very hard working amano shrimp in my tank and I am considering added a few more, although not necessarily amano ones. Is there a limit to the number of shrimp which can go together providing there is sufficient food to go around? I also like the idea of having a single snail in my...
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    Plants vs Ammonia / Nitrites / Nitrates

    If Ammonia, Nitrites, and Nitrates were all present in a fresh water tank, is there any specific order which the plants will use first?
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    The Science Behind Filter Media

    I am using a Fluval 105 for my 10G fresh water tank. At the moment I have carbon in the bottom tray, and fluval biomax and polishing pads in the top tray. I really don't think I need the carbon, so once it has worn off in a week or so I am going to replace it with something more useful. I...
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