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  1. BBradbury

    Growing Dwarf Hair Grass

    Hello AA... The gauntlet has been thrown down and I've accepted the challenge of growing Dwarf Hair Grass without the aid of strong lighting or a CO2 system. Hope this post is in the right place. I initially answered a question about this plant in another subject area and thought the post might...
  2. BBradbury

    Can You Keep Goldfish w/ Tropicals

    Hello AA... For some years I thought you couldn't keep Goldfish in the same tank with Tropicals because of the differences in diet, water temperature, the size of the fish and space requirements. Several weeks ago, I set up a 45 gallon tank and added some small Comets, Danios, Tetras and...
  3. BBradbury

    Filterless Goldfish Tank

    Hello AA... Wanted to toss out a "what if" experiment I have going. I have a 55 gallon tank with 12 small Common Goldfish in it and have been removing and replacing roughly half the tank water in it weekly. I have one dual sponge filter in the tank and some basic aquatic plants. I plan to...
  4. BBradbury

    40 G Breeder

    Hello... I was given an old 40 gallon breeder tank and I’ll set it up and keep feeder Goldfish in it. I won't buy anything, other than the fish for ten cents each, six or so. The stand will be a couple of old bed side tables pushed together with a piece of particle board on top. The Goldfish...
  5. BBradbury

    Reducing Nitrates

    Hello AA.. Thought this thread might go best under "General Discussion", since the nitrate issue affects the majority of tank keepers. I was asked about a natural means of lowering nitrates in the fish tank water and suggest using the Chinese evergreen house plant. Attached is a photo of a...
  6. BBradbury

    House Plants as Supplemental Water Filters

    Hello AA... Added some large Chinese evergreens to my 55 gallon Red Eyed Tetra tank and noticed a considerable drop in the nitrate level. After some research, it appears the immersed roots of this house plant is using the ammonia and nitrite from the fish waste material faster than the...
  7. BBradbury

    No Water Change Aquarium

    AA... What would I need to maintain a tank that needed no water changes, other than a way to remove nitrogen from dissolved fish waste material and a way to maintain steady, healthy mineral levels? B
  8. BBradbury

    What If?

    Hello AA... What if I had a tank that had been running for several months and decided I didn't want to use a mechanical filter system. Instead I replaced the aeration (gas exchange) the filter provides with a couple of air stones attached to air pumps. The bacteria living in the filter media...
  9. BBradbury

    Albino Pleco Changing Color

    Hello AA... Have a 4 to 5 inch albino pleco I accepted as a "rehome" deal about 6 months ago. I'm not an authority on this fish and as near as I can tell, he or she is active and healthy. I change out half the tank water weekly in this 60 gallon tank the fish is in and noticed a color change...
  10. BBradbury

    Low Maintenance / No Water Change Tank

    Hello Waterkeeping Hobby Beginners and Others... For some years. I've worked toward a tank that requires no water changes and put together one that may be workable, long term. A near pure environment for fish and plants. In the past there have been issues with water chemistry, but with the...
  11. BBradbury


    Hello Aa... Have kept Corys for a few years and apparently, my information on the care of these fish is sadly outdated. I'd been instructed to keep them in a substrate that was nonabrasive and not to have any sharp decorations in their tank, because the whiskers (barbels) could be injured as...
  12. BBradbury

    Terraphyte/Biotope Tank

    Hello AA... Well, my switch to land plant, planted tanks has taken an interesting course. A few months ago I emersed the rootballs of some land plants into the water of my 5 freshwater tanks in an effort to save time and effort doing the weekly, large water changes. The land plants have done a...
  13. BBradbury

    Planted Tanks Going in a New Direction

    Hello AA... Thought an update on my biotope/terraphyte tanks was in order and possibly some updated pics later this week. I've emersed the root balls of three land plants in the tank water, in an effort to reduce the need for large, weekly water changes. The roots take in all forms of nitrogen...
  14. BBradbury

    Latest on Terraphyte Tank

    Hello... Attached are some pics of my "Terraphyte/Biotope" tank. Introduced a couple of different land plants and emersed them in the tank water in an effort to reduce the work I put in doing large, weekly water changes. After a couple of months or so, the plants have essentially removed the...
  15. BBradbury

    A No Water Change, Planted Tank?

    OK. Had to try a planted tank with no water changes. Don't worry, the water chemistry will be tested every few days to make sure no fish are hurt during this experiment. Have read and reread D. C. Johnson's book on using Chinese Evergreens "Aglaonema" emersed to filter out dissolved ammonia...
  16. BBradbury

    Growing Bright Light Plants in Low Light

    Hello. Found I can grow plants requiring moderate to bright light in low light conditions. This is one of my 55 Gs. Has only one 32 watt T8, 6500 K bulb from Lowe's, packs of three cost $10.00. Dose three different liquid ferts two to three times per week at night when the tank lights are out...
  17. BBradbury

    Essentially Algae Free Tanks

    Hello... Had algae problems in these two 55 G tanks about a year ago. To control the algae, I decided to put a potted aquatic plant into the tank every month or so. The more complex plants used up the added nutrients in the water and today, the algae is limited to a small bit on a couple of...
  18. BBradbury

    A Crazy Attempt at a Planted Tank

    This is an old time 55 G I bought a few years ago for $40.00, that has a thick, glass cross piece. Had no clue what a planted tank was supposed to look like, let alone how to put one together. The lighting is one T8, 32 watts, I bought at Lowe's for $6.00. The plants are essentially the low to...
  19. BBradbury

    New to This Forum

    Hello. This is my first post on your forum. Have a few years of fishkeeping experience. Hope to learn some new things and lend a hand if possible. B
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