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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. Ziggs180

    Hard-to-catch Fish

    Try using something else to scare the fish into the net. I use tongs that i use to root plants into the substrate, in order to guide fish into a net.
  2. Ziggs180

    Need Driftwood Help ASAP!!!!!!

    Its probably some type of Algae. If you have algae eaters it might provide a source of food for them.
  3. Ziggs180


    Today i visited my LFS to buy foods, and found that they were selling live bloodworms. I bought a container of them, and although I do have a bunch of them, they will eventually run out. The salesperson told me to put them in my Fridge (but not freezer) so they last longer. However I want to...
  4. Ziggs180

    Black Spikes sticking out of Ram

    I had one of my Rams die several weeks ago, it slowly lost its appetite, and refused to eat. I noticed that sticking out of its anus was some spiney bits, its stomach was sunken, and became lethargic. Now my lone ram is starting to display the same symptoms, however the strange thing is none of...
  5. Ziggs180

    Suicidal Betta

    So i was siting in my room and I heard a large ''bloop'' sound. I looked behind me at my Betta tank, and notice I didn't see my Betta! I looked everywhere around the tank, and found him on the floor behind the desk. I threw him back in the tank, he sank for a second then started moving again...
  6. Ziggs180

    New to planted aquariums.

    one thing that will definitely help you is to get certain plants that will act as nutrient sponges, and soak up any Ammonia, Nitrites, and Nitrates (plants use these as food). Water Wisteria, Anacharis, Water Sprite, Hornwort, are common examples. Note it will not replace water changes, but it...
  7. Ziggs180

    Safe way to despose plants.

    I Find fire to be a very good way to deal with plants. But seriously, just throw them anywhere that's not anywhere close to a sewer drain. the plants will dry up to a crisp.
  8. Ziggs180

    Disturbing find

    As i was doing my water change today on my 46 Gallon, I noticed something strange. I saw one of my Blue Rams had lodged itself into the roots of a Water Sprite. I feared the worst, thinking it died and got it out of the roots. To my horror i saw that its body was bent into a U-shape and it was...
  9. Ziggs180

    Favorite TV Shows

    No love for Game of Thrones? I am Dissapoint
  10. Ziggs180

    Preparations for a Trip

    I'm leaving on a 3 Week trip to Seattle, and I want some feedback on what to do with my Fish tank. My parents are willing to feed my fish, but are definitely unwilling to perform a water change on my tanks. To solve this, I bought a cheap 1 Gallon bowl for my Betta and gave it to my Girlfriend...
  11. Ziggs180

    Careers with fish

    Besides owning your own store, the only thing I could see involving fish is being a Wild life naturalist, zoologist, some sort of aquatic park ranger, professional diver, etc etc.
  12. Ziggs180

    Cory Cat Behavior

    I added 6 peppered cory cats about two days ago. I love these little guys, and I'm very glad I got them. However I have some questions that I couldn't Google well enough. My Cory Cats like to run up and down the glass of the tank, and tend to stay hovering and swimming around alot. I've read...
  13. Ziggs180

    So hard to resist getting another tank

    Its worst when you have an empty tank that nobody wants to buy.
  14. Ziggs180

    Funniest things done by your fishy friends?

    There was a riot in my tank last night. I bought some Cory Cats and i threw in some sinking wafers for them to eat. But it seems all of my other fish loved the smell of them and swam toward the wafers as well. My Rams were chasing away my platys, my Gourami was chasing away my Rams. This all...
  15. Ziggs180

    Harlequin Rasbora disease'd

    I've been having this issue ever since I got Harlequin Rasboras, and it seems to come on and off every once in a while. About two weeks ago one of my Rasboras had some strange fungus covering it, started swimming erratically, constantly twitching, and wouldn't school with the rest of the group...
  16. Ziggs180

    Plant:fish compatibility

    Algae and Micro-organisms, as well as bits of any food for the fish that make it to the bottom.
  17. Ziggs180

    Preparing for heat wave. What are you doing?

    I live in Florida. The North Easts ''Heat Wave'' is Tuesday down here :lol:
  18. Ziggs180

    Black Beard Algae outbreak

    Just googl'd Hydra, and thats definitly it. They seem to be a smaller type, and hopefully my Dwarf Gourami gets around to eating them all.
  19. Ziggs180

    Black Beard Algae outbreak

    Well the BBA has decreased, I've started doing a full Excel dosage after doing have dosing to prevent any melting of my plants. There is definitely some reduction in BBA. I'm also noticing some strange growth on several of my plants. It appears to be a single white stalk that branches into four...
  20. Ziggs180

    Planted Vs. Corals

    Maintaining the Reef tank is going to be the issue. Maintaining a planted tank is basically only a couple cents from your water bill and a couple cents from your lighting bill.
  21. Ziggs180

    additional hobbies

    My other hobby, which i'd say is just as expensive as fish keeping. WAAAAAAGHHH!!!!!
  22. Ziggs180

    Planted Vs. Corals

    I believe both can be equally beautiful, but in completely different aspects (as stated by OP already). However I'll likely stick to planted simply because its just so much easier to handle. not to mention much less expensive. I've seen some pieces of Coral that are worth more than my entire...
  23. Ziggs180

    Black Beard Algae outbreak

    I performed a Water change of about 50% just to soak up any extra nutrients from any food products in the tank. A bright side of the possible overfeeding is I've noticed a colony of Platy and Sword tail fry have somehow survived and thrived, and havent been eaten. (they've been taking refuge in...
  24. Ziggs180

    Black Beard Algae outbreak

    I went on a vacation for about 3 Days, and asked my parents to feed my fish while i was gone. When I got back my tank was almost covered in black beard algae. I had some already, but it was in small amounts. I fear that my parents overfed my tank, and there was alot more nutrients in the tank...
  25. Ziggs180

    What can I keep with guppies?

    Dwarf Gourami? Blue Rams?
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