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  1. platycrazy19

    Possible Ick problem!!

    So I was checking out my 10g community tank today and noticed these little white dots all over my drift wood. upon closer inspection they move! It definitely looks like Ick but I checked all my fish and it doesn't look like any of them are infected with it, just my driftwood. I know the best way...
  2. platycrazy19

    plants with holes

    All of my aponogetons have holes in the leaves. Any help with this? I ended up trimming the leaves that looked really bad but i'm still curious as to what caused it. I have pretty basic lighting, no CO2 and on occasion I use seachem flourish. I did recently switch from gravel to sand, could this...
  3. platycrazy19

    Difficulty feeding new DPs

    so a week ago I got two dwarf puffer fish. I took extra percusion to ensure they were healthy after already loosing a different one to internal parasites. I've been feeding them frozen bloodworms. The first day they gobbled them up. But since them I have been feeding them every other day and...
  4. platycrazy19

    Using a feeding cone

    I want to use a feeding cone to feed my dwarf puffer fish frozen bloodworms. I haven't had much success with it though and was wondering if anyone had any tips for convincing them to take the worms from the feeding cone.
  5. platycrazy19

    petco aquarium sand

    Anyone have any experience with petco aquarium sand? I just bought a 20lb bag of black sand from them. When I rinsed it the water never seem to run clear and it turned my bathtub black (wiped right off though). I'm afraid if I put it in my aquariums it will tint the water really bad. Any...
  6. platycrazy19

    New Dwarf Puffer!

    Here is a picture of my new Dwarf puffer! I took a video as well and if anyone can tell me how to post it i'll put that up as well.
  7. platycrazy19

    New dp with possible internal Parasites

    So just yesterday I went out and picked up to dwarf puffers for my five gallon tank. Today I noticed that one's belly is quite smaller than the other ones. I know these little guys are prone to internal parasites. I was wondering if I should treat them and if I do what to use.
  8. platycrazy19

    F8 Puffer minimum tank size?

    whats the minimum tank size for a figure eight puffer fish?
  9. platycrazy19

    smaller gravel

    smaller grain size gravel For a while now I have been doing research on sand because I was thinking of possibly switching to it. But I think I would rather stay with gravel but buy a kind that is smaller in grain size so that it more closely resembles sand. I was looking for some suggestions on...
  10. platycrazy19

    weird nitrate reading

    I change and test my water once a week. usually I would get a reading of 0 ammonia 0 nitrite and 20 nitrate. But lately I have been getting a reading of 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and 0 nitrate. Lately I have been having to leave my tank on the weekends and so I have been doing large water changes...
  11. platycrazy19

    Blue tiger shrimp no longer blue?

    A few months ago I purchased a Blue tiger shrimp. At about a month I noticed that the blue coloration was almost gone. It looked more clear with black strips then anything. My water parameters so I didn't really know what to think. But I looked at it today and noticed that it's color is more...
  12. platycrazy19

    just another reason to never listen to lfs employees

    I've been doing research on dwarf puffers for quite sometime now. I want to get one for my 5 gallon tank. I found this new lfs by me and wanted to check it out. The place was disgusting but I got talking with the owner about his dwarf puffers. I have been trying to decide whether I should get...
  13. platycrazy19

    Sand substrate (pool filter sand?)

    A while back I decided that I wanted to try sand in my 5 gallon tank. it didn't go very well. I bought some sand from petsmart and it ended up being super fine. The filter kept moving it around a lot and it was just causing me a hassle. so I took it out. But I still really want sand for my 5...
  14. platycrazy19

    Sand in 5 gallon causing issues

    So I decided to set up my old 5 gallon tank and get a dwarf puffer fish. I have never tried sand before and thought it would be fun to do. I bought some sand from petsmart. It's white and really fine. I rinsed it well before putting it into my tank. i placed it in filled the tank with water but...
  15. platycrazy19

    dwarf puffer?

    Are dwarf puffer fish difficult to keep. I've read they are sensitive fish. Also would it be possible to keep otos with them?
  16. platycrazy19

    Dead Shrimp??

    I have two blue tiger shrimp in my tank and I believe I found the remains from one of them today. Odd thing is the remains were red/orange. was that actually a shrimp? I have only seen one recently.
  17. platycrazy19

    Stressed out platy

    at this time i have 2 male guppies 3 male tiger endlers and two females platys. one of my platys I believe has a deformity from birth on her but other than that she is healthy. As of recently my dominate male guppy has been relentlessly chasing my other female platy. He shows no intesest in the...
  18. platycrazy19

    Tumor on platy?

    A couple weeks ago I went to my lfs and got two female platys. One had very unique colors. she has a black head with a yellow body, also she has one white eye and one black eye. After I got her home I noticed that the side with the black eye seemed raised and kind of lumpy. I thought that maybe...
  19. platycrazy19

    fish in cycle still no nitrites?

    I have been doing a fish in cycle for three weeks now and still have not seen any nitrites. I didn't start with any seeded material. My ammonia levels keep showing up at .5 everyday and I am doing about 2 50% water changes a day to keep it down. Will I start seeing nitrite soon?
  20. platycrazy19


    So I have been slowly researching live plants and have started to swap out my fake ones for live ones. I'm going with low light plants and the ones I have seem to be doing fine so far. But from what I have researched I should be supplementing with a trace elements fertilizer. I was just curious...
  21. platycrazy19

    Moving fish

    Ok so recently I moved to college and I took my fish with me. I previously had a 5 gallon tank at home and decided to upgrade to a 10 gallon tank during the move, since I had to tear down anyways. Well Its gonna be a pain during winter break because I will have to tear down again and set back up...
  22. platycrazy19

    which flakes?

    I was just curious what everyone thinks about the different types of flakes for food. Right now I feed my fish Tetracolor tropical flakes once a day and frozen bloodworms once a week. I'm starting to run low on flakes and was thinking of trying something different if there are better...
  23. platycrazy19

    shells in aquarium?

    Is it possible to use shells I collected from the ocean in my freshwater tank, if they are cleaned well? If so how would I go about cleaning them?
  24. platycrazy19

    Small algae eaters

    What are some good small algae eaters for a ten gallon tank? Besides the obvious snail or shrimp
  25. platycrazy19

    Questions on cycling with fish

    So I have been attempting to do an in fish cycle for a while now. I've seen two tips that seem odd to me. One is don't use a gravel vac when doing water changes. I thought this was fine since the bacteria should be on the gravel not in it. Also I have read that I should not feed my fish at all...
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