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  1. Koikid88

    Big als Oakville moving - 75% off in stock items

    Is this anyones LFS? I've been there a few times, awesome aquarium section. Some of those tanks are massive... and they are moving?? Anyone have $50,000-150,000 to lend me to buy their displays? I heard they are moving closer to dundas, trafalgar area. Is this true?? (Closer to me!:)) I'm...
  2. Koikid88

    Yellow lab, sick or pregnant?

    Might be a stupid question, but I've only ever bred koi. There's 2 yellows that have been in the tank the longest. 4 more about 1.5" smaller were added last week because I thought the 1 yellow was chasing the other. Wanted to even out aggression a little, because the bully yellow (only one...
  3. Koikid88

    Any Thai silk flowerhorn owners?

    Could you pm me. Have been keeping one for almost 3 months now with no problems, his kok is starting to form. Just have a few questions seeing as info is scarce on the web for these guys. Thanks!
  4. Koikid88

    Wanted: Peacock cichlids or snails in Southern Ontario

    I'm interested in vibrant or rare peacock species, as well as unique nerites and other snails. Will pick up anywhere within an hour of hamilton.
  5. Koikid88

    Which would you pick

    So far in my 90g, I only have my low light plants in for the cycling. Now that the cycle is done, I'm ready to add the others, but the tank only came with a single bulb fixture. Aside from CO2 needs, which of these fixtures would best suit my set up. Plants range from low to moderate-high...
  6. Koikid88

    Some of my guys

    Just starting out my 90g with a few small and young fish. Plants and everything aren't in their final spot, a bit to go still.
  7. Koikid88

    Gnathonemus petersii

    So I've wanted one of these guys for awhile now, and am confident in the habitat I have set up for him. Thing is, there's already a half grown blue crawfish in there. Would it be wise to remove the crawfish, or is the mormy too big for the crawfish to bother with? 90g tank, well planted, plenty...
  8. Koikid88

    ID please

    Was at lfs today, and among other things, I bought some shrimp for the shrimp tank. When acclimating, I noticed this little guy in the bag. Didn't pay for him, and I guess the guy didn't notice, or didn't care. So I said whatever, and put him in with tinwini danios and cpds, and tetras. It's...
  9. Koikid88

    Pinhole and deteriorating tail fins

    In an established 20g long, there's 3 little guys I took over care from my nieces tank. 2 Sunset guppies 1 Calico Platy Variatus I believe They've been in there for about 4-5 months now, no problems, always healthy. Around last month, I noticed a tiny pin hole dot in the platys tail fin. I...
  10. Koikid88

    Reddish white bumps on Blue Gourami

    Doing all my tank transfers obviously put a good deal of stress on my fish. My blue gourami is now in the 90g. Before he was housed with a pearl gourami among other fish (in the emergency tank in the basement, so I didn't spend much time watching that tank for 2 months), and they had scuffles...
  11. Koikid88

    Amazon Sword with holes

    Only on 1 leaf, but unsure if it's a certain deficiency, or if somethings eating it. It kind of looks like a small hole is about to break through on another. There are root tabs throughout, plus dosed with flourish excel daily, flourish comprehensive supplement 2x a week, and flourish...
  12. Koikid88

    Milky streaks on Glass Catfish

    First things first, I've had 5 in a 20g long for about 5 months now, only 1 is full size. I understand the recommended tank is 25g for these guys, but it hasn't been a problem with tons of plants, 2 caves they stay in, plus an open feeding area. Filters are Eheim Liberty (30g) plus an aquaclear...
  13. Koikid88

    Galaxy Danio

    Hey there, was just wondering if $3.99 CAD/ each is a decent price? They are on sale this weekend (unsure what regular price is). Do they do well with tetras? How many would be ideal for minimal stress, are they shoaling or schooling? Was thinking about 6-8 if that's a good price for them.
  14. Koikid88

    Pond UV Sterilizer for aquarium?

    Saw my sterilizer sitting there unused for the winter, and was wondering if it would do any good attached to my filter set up on my 90g for a short period of time? Not that I'm planning on doing it, but if I'm ever battling Ich or something in this tank, would it help kill free floating...
  15. Koikid88

    Mae longfin Betta

    I recently took my Pearl gourami out of the 20g long, and back into the 90g. Leaving my 20g kind of, meh, empty. I was wondering if a Male Betta would do well with a few glass catfish? There is plenty of caves and hideouts for each to have their own. The Pearl never cared for the catfish...
  16. Koikid88

    Browning plant edges

    So I've had a 90g planted for awhile, but recently the tips of my Sagittaria platyphylla and Ludwigia arcuata have been curling at the tips of the leaves and going brown. The Giant Red vals have also started to decline. With see-through sections in parts of it. The Rotala magenta hasn't been...
  17. Koikid88

    Eye spot Krib

    I recently added a small 2" Krib to my community. He has been doing fine since I got him a week ago. Others leave him alone, and he minds he own business. Always foraging, eats whatever I feed the others. Flake, shrimp protein pellets, frozen bloodworms & brineshrimp. I was just wondering...
  18. Koikid88

    Bloated Garra Gotyla

    He is extremely fat today and breathing rapidly. Was fine 2 days ago, didn't see him at all yesterday which I thought was strange. He is swimming around again, but not his darting and foraging self. Seems to "bounce' while swimming, short bursts before stopping to rest. I haven't over fed...
  19. Koikid88

    90g bowfront stocking tips

    Hey there First off, Ill state that I have a fluval 404 filter, since there's always people that ask. I was just wondering what communities people have/had centered around angels. I want to get a handful of various angel species, but I want to keep my yoyo(3) and kuhli(6) loaches, garra...
  20. Koikid88


    In another post, a user described these eggs that started appearing in his tank. His description sounded just like how my eggs look, except, his were above the water line. So everyone said it's mystery snail eggs. My egg sacs, (looks like about a dozen-2 dozen eggs per sac) and all attached to...
  21. Koikid88

    Spots on Pearl gourami

    There are peach colour spots around his mouth and the top of his head. I'm treating my other tank for ich, but this doesn't look similar to grains of salt. None of the other fish in the Pearls tank look or act unhealthy. He just hangs out in his cave, and eats very selectively. Only the beige...
  22. Koikid88

    First fight with ich unfortunately

    After years of keeping koi, I've finally encountered Ich within 2 of my tropical tanks. It is still in early development, I'm fairly confident I caught it early, and have begun to treat with salt and heat (Fingers crossed that's all I need). 1 tank is now up at 86, going to 88, while the other...
  23. Koikid88

    Red Skunk Shrimp

    I just bought 2 Red Skunk Shrimps while I was at LFS, they were limited time and looked cool, so I grabbed some since I haven't seen them before. Now, I'm trying to find care information about them, but can only find Scarlet Skunk shrimps. Some sites say they are the same, but have a picture...
  24. Koikid88

    Cardinal Tetra with popeye.

    I bought 6 tetras just to add some movement in my 20g long well-planted shrimp tank. All was good for a week, 2 days ago, I came home from work and 1 was dead. No visible signs of anything, and was acting normal when I fed them in the morning. Now today, another one of the tetras has a...
  25. Koikid88

    Cloudy water but good parameters

    My smallest tank is a 20g medium planted shrimp tank.. Ph - 7.8 Am- 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate- 5 Didn't check Gh & Kh today but they have been consistent aswell for 2 months. Only this past week the water has become just slightly cloudy, no one notices but me. Cause for concern? Not worried...
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