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  1. flame_fish

    Balloon molly..

    Question, how do you tell if a balloon Molly is pregnant. I know you can tell by the signs but I mean visually.
  2. flame_fish

    55 gallon salt filter

    So my father has a 55 gallon tank with a saltwater filter pump thing I guess? It hasn't been used in years & i was just wondering could I still use the bacteria in that filter for my FRESHWATER fish tank? Or it could only work with a freshwater filter? Thank you!
  3. flame_fish


    I started a thread a while ago about cross breeding endlers & cobra guppies. I got sorta of a negative response but I kinda want some other thoughts, my LFS gets endlers almost every week & they are heathy and whatnot so the thought of ruining this strain isn't all that big to me but I need some...
  4. flame_fish

    Malaysian Trumpet snails

    I've heard a lot about these snails good & bad but I'm interested in getting some & putting them in my 55 freshwater tank with live barriers. Can somebody with experience tell me if this would be a good idea or not so good since they breed very rapidly..
  5. flame_fish

    ADF Nipped by Betta

    Soo I had my African dwarf frog in my 2.5 gallon tank with my female betta & a mystery snail since about December & they've all been doing great but recently my female betta has been acting a little aggressive towards my frog for no reason, they used to have little fights over food, so I added...
  6. flame_fish

    Betta always stressed?

    I have a female betta in my 2.5 cycled tank. I've had the tank up for about 4 months? My betta is a female & I do PWC weekly & feed her every other day. My filter is working fine & my heater is steady at 77? But for some reason my female she eats & swims but she always has stress lines which is...
  7. flame_fish

    Cross breeding?

    Can you cross breed a endler guppy with a cobra? I'm just interested because I want both in one tank & I wondered if they'll ever breed.
  8. flame_fish

    Stocking list for 55g

    Okay so the time is coming for when I'm going to move & when I do I'm starting up my tank right away, now most of the time, my tank will be cycling but I keep thinking of different fish to stock my fish with but I contastantly keep changing, I just wanna keep this list & get help with stocking...
  9. flame_fish


    So I was just wondering, besides catfish what centerpiece fish besides live barriers? I was just wondering because I need a stocking list of peaceful freshwater fish that don't get too big & aren't aggressive. The tank I'm setting up is a 55 gallon long. Any Ideas? Thanks!
  10. flame_fish

    BETTA SHOCK. help!!

    Okay, so yesterday I had gotten a 2.5 aqueon betta tank; I set it up to make sure it worked and what not and it did so I put all my betta's gravel and plants in and turned on the filter & the heater that I had on like 75 because sometimes it stops working. I heard different things about cycling...
  11. flame_fish

    2.5 tank help!

    Okay, so i'm going to get three 2.5 betta tanks for my 3 bettas. They have been in this ugly unfiltred & unheated containers. I know its bad but thats all I could have and I want to upgrade. The new tanks have heaters & filtres & I just wanted to know do I need to filtre the tanks? If so how...
  12. flame_fish


    This is in my betta bowl, its small & no filtre so the bubbles are just randomly there. Is this a bubble nest?
  13. flame_fish

    Tiger barb care

    Okay, so I know little to nothing about tiger barbs. Anyone wanna inform me? these are my questions.. How you can you tell whether one is a male or female? Are they hardy? How many can be an a 55 gallon tank with live barriers? What type of decor do they like the most? Or does it matter...
  14. flame_fish

    55 gallon tank.

    K, I have a 55 gallon tank that hasn't been used in like 10+ years, it's my dads. Theres an old pump filre under it & it works but i'm wondering if I should replace the pump filtre? Or should I use a regular filtre & just put it in the water? Also how long should I cycle a 55 gallon tank? It's...
  15. flame_fish

    Small catfish suggestions.

    Anyone have any ideas on small catfish besides cory catfish that can help clean the tank but are bigger enough not to get eaten but not too big, i was planning to have cories, mollies guppies & platys in a a 55 gallon tank & what are very hardy small catfish you guys can reccomend? Thanks -...
  16. flame_fish

    Turtle floor level help!

    So I was told that when having turtles, it 's a really good idea to have the tank leveled? I heard I could make a level made of those white pipes tht wont harm the turtles. My tank is a 55 galon & i'm getting hatchling
  17. flame_fish

    Adf care

    I've read research, watched videos & even gotten advice but I just wanna know a little more about adf. okay so my top questions are... are ADF hardy? are they compatible with baby turtles? are they aggressive to some fish? what do they like in their tanks? what are the signs of sickness? what...
  18. flame_fish

    turtle hatching care:

    okay so I'm back with more questions :b okay so people have said when it comes to having turtles with fish, it's not a good idea, & I agree. but also I was told that having hatching turtles with fish such as live barriers, they give the fish a better chance of survival. And what ever keeps my...
  19. flame_fish

    Female betta sorority!!

    Okay, so i've been informed that theres way of housing female bettas together without an battle to the death? Iwould like to try this!! So does it matter what breeds of females? Or all the same? & the tank size? I heard ten or twenty gallons work best. Any suggestions? & heavily planted or not...
  20. flame_fish

    55 gallon turtle & fish tank!

    Okay, if anyone cares to see this, I'm tyler :) I'm planning on setting up my dads old 55 gallon salt water tank & using it for me as a freshwater tank! anyways I was hoping to get some feedback. I was thinking of doing this for the tank.. 1 male Razorback musk turtle. 1male stinkpot 5 guppies...
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