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  1. Mr. Breeze

    CO2 Tubing - Help!

    I want to use black silicon tubing for my CO2 injection. Some folks say I will lose the CO2 and others say the loss would be so minimal at that pressure. I use standard clear tubing now, I just like the cosmetic look on my black glass panel. Appreciate any feedback.
  2. Mr. Breeze

    Clown Loach - Sound Familiar?

    Bought three new little clown loaches 6 months ago. One has developed white small pimples (for lack of a better word). This might have come across from the neons, see the same thing. 30 gal tank. 8 years old. Fluval and hanging AquaClear 70. I have had this before with other loaches and...
  3. Mr. Breeze

    Looking for more exotic Angelfish

    I am in southern California. Do any tropical fish stores carry more high-end angelfish? Have any of you used mail order fish with success. There are some nice ones on-line. Thanks, Mr. Breeze
  4. Mr. Breeze

    HELP: Gunk Attack on Gravel

    I set up a planted Evolve 8 two months ago for my grandson. This is a planted tank with Java Fern, Wisteria, Australian Bacopa, Tiger Lotus, Dwarf Sag. and Pond Cabbage. Fish currently are 9 Neons, 2 Red Dwarf Gourami and 2 Panda Corys and 4 Ottos. Fish are well and plants seem to be doing...
  5. Mr. Breeze

    What's the Temperature?

    I have purchased an Aqueon Evolve 8. They sat it's an 8 gallon, but it strikes me more as a 5 gallon. I bought a 25 watt heater that is preset and looks like it is working, hence the red light turning on and off. I also have good water circulation. My issue is that the tank looks like it is...
  6. Mr. Breeze

    Pleco Experts Needed

    I would like to add a dwarf pleco to my 30 gal. Should be around 3-4 inches at adulthood. What are the prettiest available in this size and do any of you know of any good stores in southern California? Thanks, Mr. Breeze
  7. Mr. Breeze

    What Substrate Would you Use?

    I have used Eco-Complete, but would like to get other opinions on substrate set-up. I have seen the Pro's use all kinds of secret formulas of this and that and a pinch of this and a tablespoon under here,.... I am thinking of a lighter tone gravel this time. 4 gallon Nano, fresh water with...
  8. Mr. Breeze

    MIA - Mr. Pleco

    I had a 3" Pleco that was over 5 years old. I can't find him anymore and he always came out for his cucumber. I have a heavily planted tank, with driftwood and rocks. To try and find him would be a major disturbance to the landscape. The question is, what are the considerations leaving him in...
  9. Mr. Breeze

    Time to Play: Name That Plant, Part II

    The pet store sold this as X-mas Moss. I think their nuts here too. There are absolutely no fern like features here. The good news is my SAE's leave it alone. I have attached it to some driftwood. Let me know your thoughts here. Thanks, Mr. Breeze
  10. Mr. Breeze

    Time to Play: Name That Plant!

    I bought a (bunch/6 stems) from a local tropical fish store. They sold it as Cabomba. Yet, this plant is illegal to ship into the state of California, where I live. Any of you have an opinion? I don't think the pet store has a clue. Thanks, Mr. Breeze
  11. Mr. Breeze

    I am an Amazon Sword Murderer

    Hey, just read the post below. It is very similar to my challenge. I bought this sword a week ago and it was absolutely beautiful. Look what I did without even trying in just one week? All my other plants are happy: Vals Dwarf Swords Wisteria Bacopa Crypts 29 Gal T5 6000's, 6500, Blue...
  12. Mr. Breeze

    Ick and Salt Dosing, How Much?

    My 29 gal tank is two years old and I finally got my first case of ick. 2 0f my three clown loaches have dots on their tails and fins. No one else shows any symptoms; rasboras, platys and angels. This is a planted aquarium, Injected CO2, Fluval 205, T5 lighting. How much salt would you...
  13. Mr. Breeze

    I got a Jumper!

    I have a 29 Gal w/ (4) T5 on top. I don't have a lid, because it is such a hassle when feeding, trimming, adding water etc. I have lost Rasboras, SAE's in the past at night when they seem to want to jump out of the water. Last night, one of my angels decide to take a trip and ended up dried...
  14. Mr. Breeze

    Help with my Moss?

    I have heard that any moss is easy to grow. I have a planted 29 gal with injected CO2, 2-3 wpg, regulars dosing of ferts. All my other plants are doing well. However, my Christmas Moss is green on the outer edges, but brown underneath. It is growing, but the growth does not stay green. Is...
  15. Mr. Breeze

    Any Reddish Plants Out There?

    I would like to add a little more red leaf plants for contrast in my 29 gal. planted tank. I have around 2-3 watts/gal with injected CO2. What are the easier plants to try here? I know some are harder to grow and keep thriving. Thanks :thanks:
  16. Mr. Breeze

    Help With Seachem Test Kits

    I thought I would measure my Nitrogen and Phosphates before i start dosing them individually. I purchased a Phosphate Kit and a Nitrite/Nitrate Kit from Seachem. Now they give me these pretty color scales with numbers on them, but I have no idea what units they are talking about? Also, How do I...
  17. Mr. Breeze

    Do Vals go through growth cycles?

    I planted Vals (Valisneria - Italian) about three months ago. They took off and shot runners everywhere. Over the last 30 days, they have wilted a little bit and lost their color in places. Some brown leafs tend to separate and float to the top. I pick out 2-3 a day. Is the plant going...
  18. Mr. Breeze

    Happy Plants becoming Unhappy!

    Why are my plants showing brown spots? Everything has been fine, but gradually over the last 8 weeks the water must be changing and consequently impacting my plants. I can't figure out what is causing this? Vals are thinner and some turn brown and fall off Java fern has brown spots Wysteria...
  19. Mr. Breeze

    Magnificent Obsession

    Hi Everyone, I am new to the neighborhood, which tells me I have come a long way just by signing up for this forum. I have had traditional aquariums over the past with the plastic plants and the stupid decorations. I became interested in planted aquariums after viewing incredibly landscaped...
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