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  1. CherryBarb123

    Bristlenose fry...a question!

    My two lovely bristlenoses have (which I didn't know about until I found the fry) have bred and now have lots of teeny fry around my 200L community. They are around 1.5cm on average. My rummies mouthes are too small to cause much harm to the fry, but my bleeding hearts are fully grown and...
  2. CherryBarb123

    I don't know what to do :/

    I currently have a planted community tank (200 litres) but things have now changed.... I am now not wanting to keep it as it is. The planted aspect of it is not how I want it, and I am unable to get the results that I want. I do not have a high tech tank, and therefore I cannot do what I want...
  3. CherryBarb123

    Would this be too much?

    I have a Fluval Roma 200 which I have had set up for the past year and a bit with a good amount of success, but then I got a couple of dodgy fish from my LFS so my tank is looking very empty. For filtration I have: An APS 1400EF external and a Fluval U4 Internal, so no shortage on...
  4. CherryBarb123


    I am considering a pair of kribensis for in my 200L as I recently lost my bolivian rams and I love dwarf cichlids. I have fairly robust tank mates..... Bristlenose plecos Bleeding heart tetras angelfish three lined cories (Maybe not so robust!) zebra loaches Kuhli Loaches Do...
  5. CherryBarb123

    Shoaling fish to complement bleeding heart tetras?

    I am after some fish to compliment my 9 bleeding heart tetras in my 55 gallon. I want shoaling fish that will look good next to or around the bleeding hearts. I don't want them to be too busy and I want them to be tight shoalers. They need to be big enough not to be eaten by angelfish...
  6. CherryBarb123

    Stand/Cabinet for 30L (8 Gal)

    I am getting a 30L aquarium for my fry, which has a base of 40x20cm. It dosen't have a stand (I am getting it secondhand) and so I need to find one somewhere. It will need to be reasonably nice as it will be in my bedroom, but can anyone recommend any furniture that has been good for this...
  7. CherryBarb123

    Ok, so he is dead. But what killed him?

    I had 6 healthy, mature ottos. The other day, one of them got this white band across his middle. I couldn't do anything and then he disappeared anyway. He seemed fine besides that. Then, yesterday, one of my zebra loaches appeared with a dead, eyeless otto in his mouth. I netted him out and he...
  8. CherryBarb123

    Do these platies look pregnant??

    New platies - do they look pregnant? If they are, do they look that far along, because they are not massive Also, here is a video: Photos are also below Do any of my platies look pregnant?? - YouTube
  9. CherryBarb123

    Mixing Big and Little Bleeding Heart Tetras?

    It has been my plan for a long time to extend my group of Bleeding heart tetras to 8 or 10. When I first bought my bleeding heart tetras from my LFS a long time ago, they were about 2 inches long. They are now getting 2.5 inches and reaching full size. I went to extend the shoal size, and my...
  10. CherryBarb123

    Stocking a 50 Gallon Aquarium

    I have had my 50 gallon aquarium set up for about 6 months now. I have stocked it almost fully, however I think it looks quite busy. Some of my fish are to be rehomed in the next few days. I want natural looking fish and big groups if possible. My idea for stocking was: 3 x Pearl Gourami 6...
  11. CherryBarb123

    A trio of Zebra Loaches?

    I am editing my stocking a bit. I have had a trio of zebras before. Is that too small a group? Will they become too agressive? My tank is 55 gallons if that helps I know I haven't given any details other than tank size - just wondering - does that generally work?
  12. CherryBarb123

    What's wrong with my Bleeding heart's eye?

    My Bleeding hearts are living in my mature 50 gallon aquarium. During today, my smallest (although not much smaller) male has sustained an eye problem. I am currently unsure as to whether it is an illness or an injury. Lately the males have been getting pretty rough with each other...
  13. CherryBarb123

    Discus - Would they work?

    I have a 50 gallon (200L) aquarium. It is currently very full, so I am not adding anything else. I have always wanted discus. Could they work for this size tank? Now, I would of course rehome some of the fish (Most of them!) Some questions: How many discus could I keep? Could I have some...
  14. CherryBarb123

    Seeded media

    My friend is setting up an aquarium, and I have offered to give her some seeded media. How do I do this? How much do I give her? Do I just cut off a piece? Stupid question, but I don't know :D
  15. CherryBarb123

    What veggies can you feed your fish?

    For a general community, are there any good veggies to feed them. I feed cucumber and zuichinni for my ottos, but I have seen potatoes and broccoli being fed to community fish. How do you go about preparing potatoes? How do you/can you feed brocoli?
  16. CherryBarb123

    Nipped fins - Angelfish

    I have a pair of angelfish in my 55 gallon. They are quite young, and appear very happy, healthy and greedy :D I love them to bits, but recently I have noticed that their fins are being nipped by something. The two most likely culprits are probably my Bleeding hearts or rummynose tetras...
  17. CherryBarb123

    Need an extra filter - what should I get?

    I need an extra filter for my 55 gallon as I just have a fluval U4 internal. I am in the uk, so it needs to he available here. What would be a good extra filter? I ideally wouldn't want a HOB filter, are there any decent alternatives? Thanks
  18. CherryBarb123

    How to tell male and female bolivian rams apart?

    How do I tell male and female bolivian rams apart? The two I was sold are apparently both males. How can I be sure? Is it easy to tell?
  19. CherryBarb123

    Weird Otto Behaviour: Sucking on Other Fish?

    Is it normal for ottos to "suck" on the side of other fish? One of my ottos has been chasing my cories around the tank trying to get on the side of the cories. When he does, he attaches himself to them and swims around on them, meanwhile the cories are racing around trying to get them off...
  20. CherryBarb123

    General advice please :D

    Ok, so I have done loads of research and searching various species of fish over the past few weeks. As I have said in another couple of threads, I am interested in starting a 10-15 gallon set up. Many thoughts have gone through my mind including shell dwellers, a betta, rasboras etc...
  21. CherryBarb123

    Neolamprologus multifasciatus

    I am very interested in Neolamprologus multifasciatus . Please could people tell me of their experiences and any details regarding the Neolamprologus multifasciatus Thanks
  22. CherryBarb123

    Breeding fish in 15 gallons?

    I am looking at all my options for another tank. I would love to set up a breeding tank, and realistically I can only buy the one in addition to my current community set up. I know there are options like platies and guppies, but are there any fish for this sized set up that I could breed?
  23. CherryBarb123

    Water hardness

    My tank water is quite soft and fairly acidic, and that is only down to things like the addition of bogwood, as my tap water is hard and has a pH of around 7.2-7.6 Could it be an issue that there is a difference in tap and tank water? When I do a water change, could it cause a shock with the...
  24. CherryBarb123

    Angelfish eating plants

    My angelfish seem to enjoy pulling the leaves off my wisteria, and so as a result my wisteria is looking pretty bad. Has anyone else experienced this with angelfish? I didn't think they ate/pulled leaves off plants. They just pull them off!
  25. CherryBarb123

    Lowering nitrATES

    I am trying to keep my nitrATES as low as possible, particularly with rummynose tetras in my tank. My nitrATES are not that high, at around 20-25, but how can I make them lower. They do of course get lower after a PWC, but after that, they creep up again. My test kit is inaccurate and...
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