Ok, so he is dead. But what killed him?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 22, 2012
I had 6 healthy, mature ottos. The other day, one of them got this white band across his middle. I couldn't do anything and then he disappeared anyway. He seemed fine besides that. Then, yesterday, one of my zebra loaches appeared with a dead, eyeless otto in his mouth. I netted him out and he still had that band across him so I assume that's what killed him

I have attached 2 photos. One of him alive and one dead to try and find out what was wrong.

I googled it and couldn't find anything

Is it fungus or something? All of the other fish are fine. Paramaters are normal



Use CopperSafe. It is some sort of infection. Read the same thing on another thread. Within a week of using it it was gone
Ok!!!! I have looked online and the few places that sell it don't have any in stock (uk)

If he has been attacked then my guess is it would be the zebras loaches but idk
How long have you had the otos? What size tank and how established is the tank?

They are very sensitive. For 6, I would presume you to have at least a 75 gallon tank. They require as much natural algae as possible and many will not accept processed food as a supplement. They die of starvation.
They are in a 50 gal. Tons of algae. Nice round tummies. Diet supplemented with veggies which they also eat. Had them for 3 months. No issues before now
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